B&Q Mobile Catering Lease Questions

by Mike

Hi thanks for your guide it has really helped, there's little info anywhere else about mobile catering.I have been in touch with retail concessions and they have offered me a pitch on a B&Q car park.

However, they told me that the landlord may object and I might be moved on. I got in touch with the store manager and he told me they leased the land off the local council. So my thinking is that if I can get everything squared with the council there shouldn't be a problem right?

I did contact the council today but the person who deals with this isn't in until Monday, they will look at the terms of lease and let me know if there are any objections. Have you ever heard of a lease that would exclude the trading of a mobile catering unit on a B&Q site? Should I be worried or is all this just normal procedure?

The B&Q site rental is only very low which makes me a bit suspicious after looking on here, the average seems between 300 - 400 p/w, I have been quoted a lot lower... have you any idea what you can expect to make on a low foot fall B&Q pitch?



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Jan 03, 2018
looking for plot for valeting centre at poole D&Q
by: christopher searle

Hello David I am looking for a Valeting centre at the Poole Dorset B&Q who do I need to talk to about this thank you my number is 07955899329

Apr 17, 2014
by: Anonymous

I am at the moment looking into a b&b site, when I first contacted retail concessions they informed me they did not have the site on there books as they could not find out who owned the land,after a lot of research I discovered who owned the land and as well as e.mailing the owners I notified retail concessions.

I had to go through every department in the council hours of telephoning to get this info,then I was informed that business rates are being introduced to catering trailers, again hour on the phone, it turned out if you have a trailer that is in a permanent location e.g. A prefab or fixed vehicle you have to pay business rates,if you are mobile and you can move your van around the car park,you just need a street trading license, important that on your lease it states you are free to park where you like.

Also b@q pay rates on the land they own, they are now requesting that any body who has a trailer on there land will be requested to pay rates on the amount of space they use.

Feb 08, 2013
B & Q Catering Pitch
by: Anonymous

I've worked on a B&Q car park and it was a disaster, high rent and low takings only the well positioned and large stores are worth a go

Feb 08, 2013
B&Q Lease Questions
by: David

Hi Mike,

From my own experience a lease can stipulate that they do not wish to have any catering/food units/service on their land. This may be because it’s seen as a hazard and could also invalidate the terms and conditions of their insurance policy

I know this only because in the past some of the industrial estates, mainly the private ones have this clause in their “lease contract” or as part of the insurance T&Cs(this is what a surveyor told me.

With regards to weekly rent, this is normally determined by store size and footfall of a store and this is why most of the large B&Q’s charge the rates that you have quoted.

Hopefully, you’ll get this pitch and at a good rate.

Please keep us updated!



PS. Get my free guide on Starting a Mobile Catering Business Guide

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