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Mobile Catering What permissions does a school need?
Our school's canteen is quite small and queues long. We're managing but are considering buying a mobile unit to put inside the school grounds, where we …
Coffee Van on Private Land
I have a mobile van out of which I plan to sell coffees and cake (moving multiple times in the day).
I have permission from the owners of a (privately …
Do I Need A License to Trade from Various Locations
I am thinking of starting a mobile food business. Basically providing lunch to offices, garages anyone really.
So do I need some sort of license …
What licenses or permits are required
I have a chance to sell burgers and sausages from a bbq as part of a rig at a music festival I am a chef by trade and have a health and hygiene certificate …
Catering Trailer on Private Land
Hi i have opened a catering trailer on private land, before doing so i contacted planning to see if anything needed to be put in place prior to opening, …
Licences & Permits
I have looked around this site with regards to permits / licences, as I'm seeking to purchase a small catering trailer in the future I contacted my local …
Trading at Various Festivals and Events?
Hi there, please can anyone help as I am pulling my hair out!
I have a horse trailer that I am wanting to convert into a catering trailer. I really …
Is It Legal to Set-Up a Catering Van on a Busy Road
Hi a catering van has set up at weekend’s right on the traffic lights selling from the land of a private business owner. His window is on level with pavement. …
Mobile Catering License Caribbean Cuisine
Hello I have a catering van that prepares high quality Caribbean cuisine jerk chicken, fried chicken, stewed chicken, peppered steak, curried goat, ackee&saltfish, …
Do I Need Planning Permission to Trade From Private Car Park
I purchased a trailer which i have spent quite a lot of money refurbishing it. I now have the relevant gas and electric certificates. I have Food and …
Catering Trailer from owned property?
My brother has recently brought a food trailer and wants to put it on his owned property in a small street just near where they are building 400+ houses. …
What Permit Do I Need for Food Cart on Wheels
I want to have a charcoal grill or LPG grill on a push bike cart so I can ride around London selling hot fresh food. What would I need to do to be legal …
Catering Van in Lay By
I'm wanting to buy a burger van in a lay by the owner is thinking of selling it to me but he seems to the think the council wouldn't let me take this …
Setting Up Coffee Business in House.
Hello, I'm just toying with the idea of selling coffee from the back of my house. I live in a side street, just off a busy thoroughfare in a touristy area. …
Comercial Waste Mobile Catering
Hi just recently started up my burger van business and was wondering how I go about getting rid of my rubbish?
I have done some research and see that …
Selling Tea and Coffee From a Vintage Caravan
Hi, my sister owns a vintage caravan and we would like to be able to sell tea and coffee and cake plus home made jams from it at various events such as …
Portable Cabin Snack Bar Business on Private Property
We are looking into turning a Portable cabin on private property (industrial estate) into a snack bar/cafe.
Do we need to seek planning permission …
Planning Permission In Tesco Car Park
Hello. I have just started my own business selling coffee from a converted h van. The plan was to just do this at weekends at local fairs etc.
I contacted …
Run Coffee Catering Trailer Business From My Own Driveway
Hi, I have recently set up a very nice catering trailer that is now equipped to sell freshly ground espresso coffee. I am wondering if I can run this business …
Catering Pitch Who Has Permission
Ok ,3 months ago a pitch became available, it was rented out before I could act. It’s in a big busy lay bye. It is now up for sale by two people, the original …
Burger Van Moved Of a Clearway Layby
hi I have just recently opened a burger van and found a great lay-by but then was moved on as it was pronounced a clearway lay-by there is a gate way to …
Would I Be Refused a Mobile Catering Licence With Criminal Record?
Please, would a person with a criminal record be allowed to earn a living with a mobile coffee cart? Could I get a licence to trade?
I have not been …
Catering Permit and Licence - Southern Ireland
Hi I was thinking of starting up a roadside catering unit in Southern Ireland, how much an all round yearly licence and permit is. And can I pull up anywhere …
Mobile Catering on Private Land And Street Trading Licence?
I am situated on an industrial estate in an industrial unit...so on private land. When I was inspected by Environmental Health, I was told if I sold …
Proof or Legal Documentation When Buying Mobile Catering Trailer
I’m buying my first ever catering trailer privately, and I wondered if I should get given any sort of proof of ownership?
I’m paying for it in …
Ready to Buy Mobile Catering Business - Does This Deal Sound Right to You?
Hi David and all
Ok so I have done all my research and now know what is needed to start up.
I have been given this offer and would like to know what …
Ex Army Setting Up A Catering Trailer What Next?
HI...i have a trailer and have found a layby close to my home to operate from...i rang the highways agency and they said they usually are fine about this …
How Do I Find The Land Owner On A Industrial Estate
I can’t get a licence any more from the council due to highway commissions not allowing me to stand on the road. So I need to get in touch with …
Snack Van Around a Rail Station
I am looking into an opportunity to start a snakc van around a rail station. Do I need to speak to the council regarding the permission?
Or do I need …
Saturday Morning Sandwich Stall
I would like to know if any permission must be given to site a non permanent bacon sandwich stall on my company’s car park on a Saturday morning. …
Burger Trailer On Own Land
We have run a burger van for 3 months on our own land the side of a highway it’s doing really well and we love it. We have had food hygiene out and passed …
LPG or Diesel Generator
If only using only LPG for all catering equipment, how can I use toaster and microwave and lighting?
Driving Licence To Drive Catering Van
What kind of driving licence do i need to drive a mobile snack van? Not a catering trailer but an actual van?
Mobile Catering Trading In Oxford Street London
Thank you for your support in answering our questions.
I will like to know how likely will it be to get permission to trade in ice cream/snow …
Ice Cream Van Business
Hi I have just lost my shop :( and now want to start an ice cream van business I’m in Yorkshire and understand that car parks are out of bounds to trade …
Lease/Tennancy Agreements For Mobile Food Trailer
I own a local garage and have been approached by a Catering trailer to see if they can locate their trailer on a small section of our car park. …
Mobile Catering Not Allowed to Trade in Lay By
I have been visited by the council and told i cannot work in this lay-by as it is apparently not a trunk lay-by it’s on a c road and is a large lay-by …
Market Trading With Mobile Catering Trailer
I am starting a mobile catering company and have secured a pitch on a market, but I am unsure what facilities I need to provide to make sure I am legal …
How Do I Go About Applying For Permission To Start Mobile Catering Business
How do I go about applying for permission and licence to start up a mobile catering business near our home town in Shropshire. It’s all new to me I’ve …
Catering Van On Own Land Providing Services to School Children & Parents?
We want to site a small mobile catering van on our own land. The property runs parallel to a school drive and the van would front onto this, so providing …
I Sat on This Road All Day and Counted 124 Trucks - Start Mobile Catering
Thank you for your correspondence regarding mobile catering which i have followed and taken the food and hygiene course online and sourced a catering trailer …
Made Redundant Last Week and At 48 It’s Not Easy to Find a Job
Hi there, I like your story about starting your Burger Van Business.
I was made redundant last week and at 48 it’s not easy to find a job; therefore my …
Are There Size Restrictions for Mobile Catering Vans on Council Land or Private Car Parks?
I must say that this site is full of useful information. I recently bought a Luton van and had it all done up professionally into a catering van, everything …
Is there a Mobile Catering Trailer that will fit a domestic garage?
I want to start a modest business that will be an income top-up rather than a sole business. I work full-time so this will be an event focused business …
Mobile Catering Outside My Local Public House
Hi can I trade outside my local public house, it will be on their land and off the main road, and it will run during normal hours, can I trade.
What Qualifications Do I Need to Start Mobile Catering
What qualifications are needed to get started in mobile catering? Also how do I get a pitch or can i just park up in a lay by and start trading?
Can i Pitch My Burger Van on My Land and Trade
I wanted to know if I bought a burger van can I put it on my land at the front of my house and trade from there.
Which Exact Health and Hygiene Certs are Required for Mobile Catering Trailer
Hi David,
I’m a little unsure as to which food and hygiene certificates I need to buy and run my own mobile catering trailer? Do I need level 1, 2, …
Food Trailer Business Outside Pet Shop Business?
I am a pet shop owner with a 15 yr lease.
We have an 18ft by 16ft forecourt off the pavement Inc in our boundary. I want to set up a catering …
Mobile Catering Licence Needed for Trading on Streets
Hi you have great information on here, I am thinking of setting up a spud van, trading on various locations e.g. streets etc, do you need a street licence …
Planning Permission - Mobile Catering
Hello there have just sited my bus (live in)& trailer alongside the a35 road in Dorset(Dorset hate catering trailers), we are registered with the council …
What License is Needed for Ice Cream Bike Business
Hi my name is Janos
I would like to start the mobile catering business with my ice cream bike.
I want sell a scoop of ice cream in the street or …
Recently Bought a Van to Use as a Snack Van?
I have recently bought a van to use as a snack van, i have got my own business from home environmental heath approved and have got a health and safety …
Selling Beer in My Mobile Catering Van Busines
Hi, thank you for your great story on starting a mobile catering business.
My question is what to do when I like to sell beer in my catering van or trailer. …
2 Mobile Catering Pitches in 2 Different Locations?
Hi, I’ve read you great mobile catering tips hand have found them very useful thank you!
Just one question - I have a pitch, van, food cert, gas cert …
Mobile Catering Update - Found Somewhere to Trade,
Hi David,
It's been a while since I posted but thought I'd let you know I finally found somewhere to trade, although a bit slow at the moment I feel …
Street Trading License and Trading During the Night
If I was to put my burger van on a privately owned car park would I need a street trading licence? Also what other licences do I need to start burger …
Do I Need a License To Operate on Private Land?
Hello, I want to know if we can trade with our mobile catering van on a privately owned car park or do we need a license?
How Much is a Traders Licence?
How much is a traders licence and do you need one for each county as I live on the boarder of Lichfield and Stafford and want to cover both areas?
Do I Need License To Help Mobile Catering Business
I help out a friend at a nearby hotel and he wants me to work in his catering trailer. Do I need a street traders license just to work there as an employee? …
Do I Need To Go to College To Start Mobile Catering Business?
I've been offered a very good snack bar, nice size, not an 8x4. I put the offer to half for it to a friend? He works full time on a backshift basis and …
Planning Restrictions on Lay By - Please help!
Hi I have recently purchased a catering van its 18 months old, I have it on a local boot sale every Sunday but I have spoken to the council about a lay-by …
Mobile Catering - What Licence and Certificates are Required?
Hi David
I have acquired a mobile catering trailer and would like to know what kind of licence I need to start trading legally - also do I need to inform …
Mobile Catering - Planning Permission and Council Soaring Fees
Hi David, just thought I would let you know how I'm getting on after writing before.
Well after driving around for a couple of weeks it seemed there …
Do I Need Qualifications To Start Mobile Catering
I like the idea of running my own small business i.e. catering van, selling my own baked goods, teas and coffees etc.
The question is do I need any …
Roadside Bans For Mobile Catering
You asked me to get back to you after hearing that catering vans were going to be banned from the roadside, did a check with the council in my area and …
Setting up a Small Catering Kiosk on a Council Run Park
Hi there,
I was wondering if you know where I can get permission to set a small catering kiosk, on a council owned park. Is it possible to do?
Or …
New Licence For Mobile Catering?
Hi David, I was told yesterday that there is a new licence that you now need and the council is charging about £1600 a year.
Is this a new rate or …
Mobile Catering Outside a Busy Bus Garage?
I am hoping to open up my mobile catering service outside a very busy bus station at night. My hubby is a bus driver so I know the customers are there …
Mobile Catering - Possible Problems With Council
Question 1..
If I found a mobile caterng pitch on industrial estate (that is not obstructing anything)and there is no mobile catering van on site.What …
What Permission Do You Need To Start a Mobile Catering Business
Do you need a permission license to trade on Private Land - for mobile catering trailer? And how long does it take to get the licence from the council …
Licences for my burger van on a building site?
Hi, I am starting up my burger van and may have found a pitch on a building site. Can you please tell me what I need for it, will I still need my street …
Roadside Permits For Mobile Catering Trailer-Van
Do I need any permits to park a van at the roadside and sell hot &cold drinks and snacks, this road is a public highway
How Much Does It Cost For Your Traders Licence from the Council
Can you tell me how much will it cost me to get a traders licence from my local council?
Mobile Catering Licence
Is a mobile catering licence only for the areas you apply in i.e. town or county and secondly do you need a preparation area other than your own kitchen …
Mobile Catering Licence- What Do I Need.
What licence(s) do i need to start a mobile catering business and where would i get it/them from and what kind of prices am i looking at?
thanks …
Is It Possible To Run a Catering Van Business From Your Driveway?
Hi am looking for some information on running your own catering van from my driveway at home.
I have a large front drive with ample parking for a catering …
What does a mobile catering trailer legally need to have????
Hi- really helpful site..Mobile catering appears a bit of a minefield!!!!!!
I'm new to this, but like many people, I'm sick of the employee thing and …
I am at college doing my NVQ level 3 and i am trying to set up my own catering business from home
I am a qualified chef and currently doing my advanced course, i would really like to start looking at setting up a catering business from home to help …
Setting Up a Small Catering Van Business
Would like to set up a catering van on an a road in Yorkshire,however this road runs through National Trust land. Do we need permission from them or can …
Chip Man Used to Drive Up On Our Estate with His Mobile Fish and Chip Van
Hello I am thinking of investing into a mobile catering trailer.
As a kid I remember the chip man used to drive up on our estate with his mobile fish …
What Certificates, Licenses Do i Need To Start and Run a Catering Trailer/snack Bar Business
Hi, i am going to start my own catering trailer/snack bar, just need to find out what certificates licenses do i need to start and run catering trailer/snack …
Parking a Catering Trailer in a Residential Area?
Hi David, I have another question about future parking for my fast food trailer. Depending on the chosen site I choose to trade from I may need to bring …
Small Business Information Needed
I am looking to set up a mobile catering business and I have a query about the right license in UK. What kind of license do I need to start my business, …
Festival and Local Council Licence
Hi I am planning on running a mobile catering trailer at county shows, festivals ect.
From a variety of locations and councils not from a permenent …
Interested in Running a Catering Trailer in Ireland
im interested in running a catering trailer for events and fairs etc in ireland.
Do you know what licences, permissions, i may need, it will be mostly …
£2200 For A Street Trading Consent????????
So i've found a nice little 2nd hand starter trailer, got my 4x4 for the trailer.
Passed my NCASS food hygeine online course, had the trailer certificated …
Inspired Me To Start My Own Small Business
Hello, Your story inspired me to start my own business. If you could answer my question it would be great..
What legal requirements do I need to gain? …
Thinking of Trading Outside a College
I thought your story and tips are great I'm actually looking to do this myself asap.
I already have a vehicle in the pipeline and poss contacts for …
Mobile Catering on Prison Land
hi i have been giving permission from the governor of our local prison.To set up my catering van three days a week to serve staff and visitors
Do i …
Start Cooking - Mobile Catering Unit
hi based in Ireland and want to start catering trailer business.
I have a spot to park on my own property along road where cars can pull in. Do i need …
Can I Use a Parking Bay?
Hi enjoyed your story, i have a question for you, i have found a pitch in a busy area of students, however the only parking in the area is a pay and display …
Not Sure About Where To Trade My Catering Trailer
hello there mate it’s a really nice story.
I’ve been looking into this for a few days now, the thing is I’ve moved up from London and staying in the …
Do I Need a Street Traders Licence to Trade for My Catering Business
Hi, read your story.. it was great, it was just what i needed.
I have been getting my catering trailer ready to trade for 18 month now I m 99% ready …
Permission To Trade On Private Land - Mobile Catering
Hi found this site very useful, it gives a general but good insight into mobile catering.
Just wanted to ask if i have a bit of land at the side of …
I Approached a Lot of People About Mobile Catering
hi i really want to start my own business in catering i have approached a lot of people for sites but to no avail.
My local council have told me not …
Car Boots/fairs/shows
I am looking into buying a small catering trailer and then seeking to trade locally. I have read on here that councils are a bit of a problem and with …