Mobile Catering Vehicle
Where to find the perfect food catering vehicle!

Catering Trucks for Sale

The biggest worry and outlay for most people  where strarting a mobile catering business will be finding a suitable catering vehicle.

Most people including myself start by searching eithr eBay or Gumtree and then by doing a general search on the net for other providers.

eBay is by far the biggest and most popular destination when looking for a catering vehicle. Simply because it offers a range cateirng vehicles, from catering trailers to vans to catering food carts and more. The only problem with the vast selection of choices, is that it does become overwhelming and at times you very much feel like you are chasing your tail.

Where to start, what type of vehicle, what budget do you need to get strarted? And then never mind all the hidden dangers, pitfalls of making sure the vehicle is legal, equipment has passed Gas/electric safety test and is complient to do the job. It can all get's very confusing and complicated.

Below are 3 possible routes to help you pinpoint the ideal catering vehicle for your needs and what to watch out for. 

Secondhand Catering Vehicles

As mentoned earlier, most peple will purchase a secondhand catering vehicle to launch their business, which can work out great as long as you locate the right vehicle.

There are also certain risks involved in buying a used catering vehicle, but by taking some simple precautions you are able to minimise the risk. The goal is to end up with a vehicle that will allow you to start trading without the need of repairs or alterations which will be costly to rectify.

Basic Vehicle and Appliance Checks

Always ask to see gas and electric certs to validate the trading history and to make sure the appliances have been regularly tested. If it's a motorised vehicle test drive it like a car and make sure it has an up to date MOT.

If it’s a trailer, take it for a test drive and tow the trailer. How does it feel on the road, are the tyres in good condition, breaks, chasis? Make sure it's not stolen, are there any receipts of purchase, maintenance, work carried out.What you are looking for is as much history as possible to verify what the seller is telling you.

Buyer Beware - Please check Out the Following Posts.

How To Check If Mobile Catering Trailer is Stolen Video

New Trailers & Vans

A brand new catering trailer can also be a good investment for those of you who would like something custom built for your food business. For the price you pay, you are guaranteed a vehicle that is compliant and built to meet strict build guidelines and UK/EU regulations. Meaning you will be trading legally and within the law, which can't always be guaranteed with a secondhand catering vehicle.

We have partnered with a reputable catering manufacturer who will be happy to supply the right catering vehicle for your needs. Finance can also be arranged if you need to spead the costs. This offers a trustworhy and convenient route to start a mobile catering business, and really hit the road running allowing you to focus on business.

catering van for sale
mobile catering trailers for sale

Catering Trailers/Van Conversions

For those of you who have an existing vehicle or plan to purchase a vehicle with a view to having it converted into a legally compliant food vehicle. We have partnered with a reliable, certified catering manufacutre that can undertake and complete the catering vehicle conversion process. Many choose this route since they can't find a suitalbe  option and want need help create a bespoke food vehicle. This can include any catering equipment for any menu options.

catering van conversion service

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