Find the Right Funding For You
If you are looking for some small business grants or loan resources to finance your business start up, then take a look at the different organizations below. Each one has a different lending procedure depending on your circumstances. Check to see if your qualify and hopefully find a financial solution best suited to your needs.
Support for Start-Ups, Micro Businesses and the Self Employed from Enterprise Agencies, the NFEA have offices all around the country so you should find someone local to you, visit the main website and search from there. Also visit their links page for other related agencies that may be able to help you locate various business grants. National Federation of Enterprise
The SFLG is a joint venture between the DTI and a number of approved lenders (banks).It helps businesses that cannot get loan finance by providing a government guarantee.
This small business credit and financing option is for an established business searching for finance and who are not able to secure funding through the main banks because of lack of security/assets. The loan is screened in two parts firstly by the banks and then by the Small Business Service to see if it meets the DTI eligibility criteria.
This service is mainly for entrepreneurs and small businesses who are looking for financial investment in their business in exchange for a share of the business (equity funding) mainly for high growth business.
Business Angels are Individuals or Groups who not only provide funding
but also bring their skills, contacts and experience to the your
business. British Business Angels Association
Please visit the NEW Government's official website for a range of small business grants and loan opportunities. The service also offers mentoring, consultancy and other initiatives.
This is a new and improved service and should provide you with better information and services. They also cover most geographical areas of the U.K and should be high on your list of resources to investigate. For more info visit Gov.UK
The Princes Trust is mainly aimed at young people aged from
between 14-30 years old providing them with advice and support. They
give young people access to small business grants and low interest loans
to help them either start a new business or even a grant for other
purposes, for full info visit their web site Princes Trust Web site
Be proactive and try all the resources mentioned above, hopefully there should be an option for everyone or at least some food for thought. I have tried to cover the most popular options of obtaining small business grants that are available, but also still check with your local council to see if they can help you.
Also I'd like to add that if you know of any other funding options especially business grants that is not covered here please Contact us so that it can be added for other people to access.
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