Catering Trailer, Catering Vans
Buying an Existing Business, Earnings..etc

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Electrical Advice Needed Mobile Catering Equipment  
Morning all, i bought a burger van last month and been working on the inside daily to get it up and running before December but i have a massive issue …

Wiring a van. 
Hello! I am about to start wiring process of my catering van as well as piping work for lpg appliances. Could you please explain to me what kind of qualification …

Preparing food for mobile catering business 
Hi I have been wishfully thinking for many years about starting a mobile catering business and have decided now to finally take things a bit more seriously …

Generator Size For Catering Trailer  
Hi I have just recently purchased a catering trailer and was wondering what size of generator will I need it's to run lights 2 fridges a freezer and water …

I Built a Mobile Bar Temp Event Noitce 
Hi I am an ex-brewery technician with advanced skills in beer dispense. I have built a 'mobile bar' (not a trailer, just a physical bar which can be flat …

Coffee van for hire 
Hi All, Wish you a happy new year. I am in a discussion for a pitch, my idea is to start a coffee van. anyone is aware of if I can hire a van for …

Do Not Build Your Own Catering Trailer - Mechanical Extraction! 
Hi I'm just in the process of setting up a mobile catering trailer. I've looked at various sites and papers but can't seem to get a straight answer. …

BBQ Business Portable Smoker & Tent 
Hi David, Just found your site and its wealth of information and I would appreciate some advice. I'm in the process of starting an American barbecue …

Childrens parties 
Hi, I have a vintage caravan and preparing to advertise for offering children's parties on their premises in the caravan. I will be providing cake,s sweets, …

Starting up a new venture. From Police to Salads 
Hi there, I'm just after general information. Im currently converting a caravan into a vintage catering unit selling healthy vegan, vegetarian and healthy …

Running A Freezer On A Trailer Whilst Driving 
Hi I am looking to buy a trailer rather than a van conversion due to cost. With my product being frozen and sometimes travelling large distances to …

Mobile Pie van 
Hi! I just wondered if anyone had some advice please?! I already have a catering van and have also perfected my pies- I would now like to put the two …

Permission to Turn Mobile Van into a Permanent Site? 
hi i have my own mobile catering van which is going really well, but i am now thinking of expanding a little bit and turning it in a static van big enough …

Looking for Mobile Caterers For Indoor Food Market. St Leonards-on-Sea 
Hi Everyone, I am investigating the viability of starting a Indoor Street Food market in a fabulous 8000sq ft warehouse in St Leonards-on-sea. There …

Mobile Gluten Free Food Van. 
Hi there, I have coeliac disease (any gluten I digest causes my damage to my intestines), and am really fed up of the lack of gluten free food that's out …

Donut stall - is it a risk? 
I'm thinking of buying a donut stall to use as an extra source of income. My son and I could work it at the weekends, events etc.. However, is the demand …

New Horizons Mobile Catering Start-Up 
Hi David great site n lots of fantastic advice, my question is I’ve become recently unemployed and have £8000 saved up I’m 50 next year and have no idea …

Lighting in a Gazebo 
I was just wondering what the best setup for lighting a gazebo when it gets dark? I would like to be self-sufficient (i.e. no need for a generator or hook …

Keeping food Hot at a Christmas Fayre - Chafing Dishes? 
I am running a food stall at a Christmas Fayre. I have done this before with cakes, hot drinks and soup and done well but this year I'd like to try a hot …

Cake Decorating Business Information  
Hi just wondering I want to start my own cake decorating company but my kitchen at home is too small .can I buy a catering trailer and park it on my drive …

started up a jiffy van 
Hi, this website is amazing! Basically I have a cafe and have just got myself a second hand jiffy van which ive had out now over a week and its doing really …

Water Tank For catering trailer 
I bought a catering trailer super cheap off of a friends friend. We are a little concerned about where we can find a water tank for it. It has the pipes …

Catering at large festivals/events, is it worth it? 
Hi, i currently own 2 mobile donut vans and do reasonably well from them. I am considering attending a couple of large events/festivals next year. I have …

How Much To Charge For Hot Drink? 
Hi we just started our mobile catering adventure 2 weeks ago selling Thai street food on the lay-by quite attractive to customers but some of them asked …

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How Long For Fridge Get To Temperature? 
Hi I am in the process of buying a static trailer on a business park. The current owner runs a generator for the lights and fridge but I fear the fridge …

City Centre Pitch Mobile Catering  
Hi David, My partner and I have been looking into starting our own mobile catering business. We have been in discussions with Leeds City Council who …

Catering Van Or Convert Summer House 
Hi David I'm in 2 minds to purchase a catering trailer or convert a summer house .Im thinking if I convert the summer house (nice looking shed) it might …

Coffee and Food Trailer 
Hi David, so glad I stumbled across your site- so much info! Thanks :) My partner and I are fitting out a retro 1950s caravan, with intentions to sell …

Where is Food Kept Overnight? 
I am a self-employed chef renting a pub kitchen currently and am looking to invest into mobile catering, although I was wondering where food is usually …

What Watt Generator For Mobile Van 
Hi David Love your site loads of useful info, I have been in catering for many years and am finally taking the plunge to go it alone, I have applied …

Electricity at Events and Generator 
Hi Dave Great website!! I just got my trailer (whooo whoo) and will be selling Zpiekanka which is pizza baguettes with 8 different toppings. I am …

Food and Hygiene 4 hr Rule And Trading Hours  
Hi David firstly this Q&A site is awesome read some really useful tips and info My question is this I’m hoping to start my own mobile hotdog/burger …

Food Hygiene Rating And Food Premises Approval 
Hi All I'm interested in starting an ice cream business selling scooped ice cream at food festivals and local produce markets. My plan is to produce …

The Price For Trading Licence Mobile Catering 
Hi David, I have just been in contact with Rochdale council with a view to being granted a licence to trade with a catering unit on a very large road …

Outdoor Kitchen Regulations 
Hi I have a started up my own mobile catering business, we operate out of a 16ft catering trailer. We have been accepted to trade at a big event this …

Possible Low LPG Gas Pressure – What’s The Cause  
Hi guys I am new to the business and have purchased a catering trailer, I had a trial run today for friends and family and I had some issues with my …

Selling Home Made Cakes From A Burger Van 
Hi, Can anyone help me? I am trying to start up in business supplying homemade cakes, quiches and pies to burger vans in the local area. I am not …

Can You Pre-Cook Food For Mobile Catering  
Hi me and my daughter are just starting out and have different ways of cooking, keeping food warm. Can you pre cook your stuff then keep it warm in the …

Starting Fish and Chip Van Business 
Hi everyone, I'm looking to start up a fish and chip van in the south Wales area, I live in the middle of Swansea and Cardiff around 30 min drive to …

Is £200 a Day Possible With A Mobile Kebab Business  
Hi, What do you think, an estimate gross profit of 200£/day, working 8h/day (daytime or at night) is it too much to expect from a mobile catering unit …

Mobile Catering Food Worktop Requirements 
Hi David, A truly inspirational website and the info is brilliant. I'm a 60 year old trucker who has lived out of the many catering trailers the …

How Much Should I Expect To Pay To Rent A Pitch? 
I have really enjoyed reading your story. It has been very inspirational. I have taken the plunge and bought my own catering trailer. I now need to sort …

Markets or Industrial Estate 
Hi David, Me and my wife are just about to start out with our catering van and want some advice on pitches. We have a pitch on a small industrial …

Food Truck Or Catering Trailer? 
I'm just days away from purchasing a vehicle and designing it for my food business. I have a £15,000 budget but can't decide: do I get a food truck (like …

Bake and Sell Different Types of Cakes from Mobile Catering Trailer  
Hi David, With my partner we are planning to start our own mobile catering business. We plan to bake and sell different types of cakes and pastries …

Starting My Own Small Creperie Business 
I am planning to start my own small creperie business. Initially, it will be run at car boots and farmer markets and I will be keeping all the equipment …

Small Food Unit To Fit On Pavement Site? 
We used to have a mobile trailer selling Thai takeaway outside a local pub. But a new landlord wanted to do his own food. We have now sold the trailer, …

Mobile Catering Business Too Good To Be True? 
Hi, My partner and I have decided we really want to take on our own catering trailer. We have seen some really good ones on ebay, then we found someone …

Mobile Catering Financial ImplicationsTax Vat etc 
Can you advise on tax and self employment? Is this the same as sole trader and how much of each weeks wage should be set aside for tax NI etc. And …

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Mobile Catering Fish and Chips Business In Nepal India - Please Help 
I am trying to open a catering mobile business for chicken and chips, but i am planning to do that in my country Nepal. Now i am just looking for some …

I Want to Get a Small Catering Trailer Setup in the Next Year or So 
I'm not going to ask a question yet, just wanted to say that I came across your website and wanted to say its excellent! Very informative, and it guides …

Renting a Catering Trailer Is It Worth It? 
Hi, I am ready to get up and change my job.. This seems ideal for me. I have come across a web site, in which you rent the van. It has an option; …

Cheapest Towing Vehicle to Insure. Not Been Driving Long! 
Hi, I am wanting to try and find what would be the cheapest towing vehicle to insure, Ideally I am looking to tow a trailer arond 12 or 14 feet. …

Insurance For Carrying LPG Gas 
Hello, I and my partner are going to start a food trailer in 12 months, we have a joint savings account and have an aim to save 10k or more before we start, …

LPG or Electric Catering Trailer Equipment  
Hi and thank you for all your words of wisdom. Your honesty and knowledge is second to none. Can you tell me if operation on gas is better than electric? …

Hot Food Van in the West End at Night. 
What will prevent me starting up a gourmet burger/food van to cater to the various west end clubs in london at night. I don't see them, are there too …

Night Time Take Away Pitch 
Hi David, I like to say a big thank you first, for your hard work and inspiration with your website. I’m currently working full time as a school caretaker, …

Tachograph for Mobile Catering Trailer 
Hi I am looking to buy a catering trailer soon and was wondering would i need a tachograph fitted to my van to tow the trailer? Thanks Chris

Mobile Catering At Events - No Experience And In Full Time Employment 
Hi There, I'm currently in full time employment and nothing to do with the catering business, however my friend and I are wanting to make a bit of extra …

Planning Permission Name Change??? 
Hi David, Thanks for all your great info on your site, it has certainly helped us get to the point of making an offer for a van and pitch. We have …

Buying a Mobile Catering Van - High Contract Fees 
Hi I am in the process of buying a mobile coffee van. I also have the opportunity to buy an annual catering contract. Its an excellent opportunity …

Trading Licence For Jiffy Truck 
Hi David, I am going to start a new business of a sandwich round on a jiffy van, what kind of licence do I need to do this business? please advise …

Pre Cook Food To Sell On Catering Van 
Would I be able to partially cook the food at home then transfer it to the van to finish cooking then sell?

I 'm Running a Burger Van Trailer Business 
Hi, I am running a burger/bacon trailer business. Sometimes I get orders for maybe ten/twenty rolls at a time ordered for an hour’s time. I keep so …

Pitching in Lay-By's Snack Bar 
I am hoping to start up a snack bar and wondered what the laws are on pitching in laybys? I live in a relatively small area so do not want to go and upset …

Own a Number of Catering Vans and Employ People to Work for the Business? 
Hi, I work full time so don't have many spare hours in the day and was looking into the mobile catering trade.. quick questions: 1)Is it possible …

Can I Push A Mobile Catering Trailer On The Road ? 
Can I push the catering trailer on the road without a car?? Is it legal?? As I don’t have a car or license!!!

Bored Office Job - Start My Own Food Trailer Business  
I really love cooking and would love to start my own food business as it is something that i have a passion for. I was looking to get a food trailer as …

How Much Does The Average CateringTrailer Weigh? 
How much does the average sized catering trailer weigh? we are currently looking to buy a van with a view to use this to pull a catering trailer and have …

Mobile Catering Fish and Chips Van Business 
I would like to start a mobile fish and chip van driving around a densely populated 10 mile radius from my home. In the day very industrious and busy, …

Had my Mobile Catering Van for 3 Months Now  
Hi- I have had my catering van for three months now, its right outside a train station in a town centre, and a car park which holds over 600 cars! I was …

Budget and Marketing Mobile Catering? 
Hello there David I've read some of your articles which I've found quite helpful and I'm definitely considering buying your course. My mate and I are …

What Turnover from Outdoor Events for Mobile Coffee Van? 
I currently source fair-trade fresh ground coffee to various retailers and am looking to set up a mobile catering trailer so that I am able to sell my …

Start Mobile Catering Business in Zimbabwe. 
Hello David I really want to do business in Zimbabwe. I have conducted some market research and I think I will never go wrong with it. When I went …

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My Husband and I Brought a Catering Van in January - Not Having Success 
It was so interesting to read about when you started your catering business. My husband and I bought a catering van in January and unfortunately we haven't …

I Can Cook Some Pretty Mean Burgers and Latin American  
Hi David, i stumbled across your website; I am trying to start a small business myself after also working in IT. I have no support from my partner's …

Running More Than One Catering Truck At a Time 
I'm committed to start my own Street Food business. I have no experience at all in the food industry, only cooked through the years for a bunch of my friends …

Sell Homemade American Food from Mobile Catering Van 
Hi David, I am definitely going to start up my own food van. I think I have a good market as I will sell homemade American food. I am a little worried …

Catering Van for Thai food 
Hi David, I'm thinking about starting up this Thai food on the wheel. I always wanted to have my own business for a Thai restaurant or a cafe but due …

My Son is 22 with a Passion for Food – But He Also Has Autism – Start Mobile Catering 
Hi, First thanks for your story on starting a mobile catering business. My Son is 22 with a passion for food - he also has autism which means if we don’t …

How Much Could a Catering Van Potentially Earn? 
Hi There, I have recently been offered an opportunity to setup a catering van on a site. The van would be the only food source (due to remote location) …

Catering Trailer Required - Can I Use a Canopy 
Does the law require a trailer for the sale of BBQ if have all the sink requirements and refrigeration, can I use a canopy?

Concerned About Being Ripped Off Buying a Catering Van - Trailer 
Hi David, I have been reading some of the comments from people who have been ripped off both through eBay and privately and must admit I'm quite surprised …

Difficult to Start Mobile Catering on Your Own? 
Hi There, Can you tell me, was it very difficult setting-up on your own? I kind of assumed you would need two people to make it work (and I don't have …

Mobile Catering - Earn a Decent Wage and Work Shorter Hours? 
I want to set up a sort of hot food van not only just selling burgers but maybe other things like what a chippy does and a little bit of Chinese food but …

Start a Mobile Florist Business  
It`s a simple question, Do I need a street traders licence when I start my visiting shop going to residential homes and day centres. I want to start a …

I Have £6000 in My Bank Account - Is This Enough to Start 
Hello there, I want to start a small business with a burger van. I have 6000k pounds in my bank account for this; I want to know if this is enough …

Planning on Taking My Optional Retirement in Two Years Time  
It so interested to have read your experiences on mobile catering business, it's giving me a push of courage to do the same as you. I’m planning on …

What LPG Gas to Use and How Much Is It? 
Hi, I used to run a catering trailer in 2003 and when I first started I went to a Calor Gas seller to get my bottles refilled. I remember that it was …

Start Mobile Catering - I Want to Do Exactly What You Have Done!  
Hello. I love your story you sound just like me :) I want to do exactly what you have done! So when you started up what did you need all together before …

Start Mobile Catering - But No Experience? 
Hi just finished reading your "starting mobile catering" article and found it very interesting. I’m looking at starting up my own small catering company, …

Is Mobile Catering Business Profitable? 
Hello I was interested in your story I live in Scotland and I am interested in starting up my own burger van business. I wanted my son and partner …

Business Grant or Loan to Start up Mobile Catering Business? 
Hi, first let me say a very big thank you for your free information that is very kind of you to give it away to everyone. Just a thought though, you …

Can Mobile Catering Support the Both of Us 
Hi my fiancé and I are looking into starting up our own mobile catering business. I have read your story on how you got started and found it very helpful!! …

Mobile Catering During The Winter Months - Does It Effect Earnings 
I am interested to know how you manage in the winter months and how the weather affects your takings. What do you find to be the most difficult part …

Found a Kiosk in a Very Cool Location in London  
I have found a kiosk in a very cool location in London that currently is selling hot and cold food. The current owner is not doing that well and wants …

Dreamed of Setting Up a Mobile Catering Business for Years  
Hi David, I have dreamed of setting up a mobile catering business for years and finally feel am ready to take the plunge. I have always loved making …

Eligibility for Mobile Catering  
Hello Sir Thanks for giving such handsome information regarding mobile catering which I was unable to get from anywhere so easily but found in your …

Need Urgent Advice Please - Mobile Catering Business 
I am planning to start a mobile catering business for which I have secured a site in private land in front of a superstore. Somebody is selling me …

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My Girlfriend and I Wsh to Be Our Own Bosses 
I have found what you said really interesting!! I’m looking at a patch outside my present company, but don’t know how to go about asking the landlord, …

I Have a Really Fantastic Catering Unit - But Still Not Making Enough Money....Why? 
I was wondering if you could offer any advice on our situation; my partner and I have a really fantastic catering unit, with a very smart livery. We …

Sitting at Home Being a Little House Wife - Start Mobile Catering 
Hi My partner and I have bought our own burger van. The thing is the old owner who we bought it off didn’t really declare it to the authorities? …

We're Both DEAF - Want To Start Mobile Snack Business 
I have found your site interesting - there's other questions I been trying to find out - do we need a licence to run the coffee snack MINIBUS? as I can't …

£1500 Pounds For Catering Trailer - Is it Worth It? 
I am thinking about buying a catering trailer for £1500 but it does not have a gas safety, electric certificate or permission to trade ticket. This …

I Run a Little Cake Company and Get So Many Compliments 
Hi there, your story is really inspirational! I run a little cake company and get so many compliments on the taste of them. I am constantly being asked …

I'm Employed as a General Manager in the Electronics Recycling Industry  
My current situation is that I'm employed as a General Manager in the electronics recycling industry at the moment but because of the recession I've reduced …

Set Up Mobile Catering Business in My Town  
Hi I am thinking of buying a catering trailer, how would I go about getting into the big events, and what is the procedure. I want to set up the mobile …

Buying a Catering Trailer This Year and Moving to Devon 
Firstly thank you for all of your previous emails regarding starting up a mobile catering business. I have quite a lot of questions but firstly it’s …

This is Our First Time Starting a Mobile Catering Business. 
Hello there, We are complete beginners my wife and I will be operating this business together. We have never done this before and we want to make sure …

Wanting to Start a Mobile Catering Business for Many Years Now 
Hi There I have wanted to do mobile catering for many years now and have reached the grand old age I had my 1st child Tyler 2 yrs ago and …

Caribbean Cooking Business - With Mobile Catering Trailer 
My wife is Trinidadian and we are looking at the idea of selling Caribbean food, such as chicken/lamb curry, roti (like a nan bread), fried chicken, rice …

What Do I Have To Do To Start - Offered Catering Van  
Hi I have been offered a catering van on private land but was wondering what I need to get before I can trade from the council etc.

So Scared To Start My Business – What Did You Do 
I am so please to read about your mobile catering experiences. I am getting ready to start my own business but I’m so scared as I’ve always worked for …

Advice on Setting Up Mobile Catering Business  
Hi David, Firstly I would like to thank-you for this excellent website, reading the entire Q&A has been really helpful. My husband and I are seriously …

A Different Type of Mobile Catering Business. What Do You Think ? 
Hi - wonder if you can help me - am wondering about a business similar to yours but slightly different as in I was thinking of driving around rather than …

Mobile Catering Earnings  
Hi David Thanks for all the advice you have been giving me. I am currently working in programme management in the City but I am very keen to get …

Mobile Catering Business To Operate On University. 
Hi David I was wondering if you can help me at all. I go to university and part of my studies involves creating a business plan for a fledging business …

Buying Mobile Catering Business - But No Business Accounts 
I have just been to view a small mobile catering business for sale, but the owner hasn't kept any books. Is this usual practice? Also what do people do …

Mobile Catering Business - Is it Too Soon To Start? 
Hi Dave and thanks for all the info on your site, glad I found it. I have bought a catering trailer and will be towing it back in the morning, have …

Financing - Loan For Short Term  
Hello, I am just about to look at a van next week. Ideal situation, secure site and although I haven't looked at the books yet - I need to arm myself …

Starting up a Burger stall... Please Help! : )  
Hi all, I am planning on starting up my own market stall selling burgers. However I am completely new to the market world, as all my working life I …

Will My Mobile Catering Idea End Up Costing Me a Fortune For What Little Profits I’m Expecting to Make? 
Hi David. i would like to start selling tea and coffee and pre bought cakes also retro and hippy clothes all from the same shop. 'my camper van' …

Thinking of Setting Up a Mobile Catering Fish and Chip Van Business 
Could you please try and help. I am looking at starting a fish and chip van business. What should I be looking at making from a normal portion of fish …

Mobile Catering Unit or Gazebo 
I am looking to set up a mobile catering unit to supply events and festivals etc. I cannot decide whether to buy a trailer and do it all from there, …

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Where Can I Find Fish and Chip Vans / Trailers to Hire commercially 
Hi all I am thinking for starting a mobile catering business, specifically a fish and chip van. I have a catering background but cannot find out anywhere …

Ham or Beef Burger - Starting Mobile Catering Business  
I am just about to start my mobile catering business and have bought my first stock.One thing keeps niggling me do you make hamburgers or beef burgers.I’ve …

Small Coffee Van Delivering Coffee to Offices in the Evening ? 
Hi there, I am about to start a coffee delivery service in the west end of London, delivering fresh coffee and cakes to people in offices during the …

About to Buy a Sited Mobile Catering Trailer Business 
I am about to buy a catering trailer sited on an industrial est i worked with the lovely lady seller for a full wk and met the landlady the rent is £130 …

How Much Can a Mobile Catering Business Earn? 
Hi I’m thinking of buying a catering van and would like to about how much is earned on average a week by a successful catering van not going to festivals. …

How to Start a Mobile Catering Business 
Hi I'm very interested in opening my own Mobile Catering Business. I will be running it from a lay-by on the side of the express way. Could you …

Can you take £3000 in a Day Trading with a Mobile Fish and Chip Trailer? Please Help!  
Hey everyone. I am desperately looking to change my career path and get into mobile catering. I have looked at various things and am considering a 16ft …

Help With Mobile Catering Start Up 
You are a very good inspiration. I have been thinking of starting a mobile donut business or sweet corn with a small mobile trailer or a cart. I have …

Mobile Catering Business - How To Value and What To Pay For A Food Van Business 
How do you come to the price of what to pay for a mobile catering van business, sited and taking £500 a week. The van is quite old but the business has …

Where To Buy a Mobile Catering Trailer or Van From ? New Business  
I am looking to buy a mobile catering trailer or van but no sure of where to purchase a trailer. I have been looking for a while and have seen a few for …

Mobile Catering How Much Money Can You Make?  
What can you really earn through mobile catering; I know that it's all depends on where you work and where the pitch is located. I really want to give …

Want To Get Catering Van On a Building Site ? 
My partner has lost his job and I have worked on burger vans for 5 years for someone else. I am now extremly interested in seting up my own buisness with …

Help! - Mobile Catering Questions 
Hi Just found your website and its been very usefull. I live in North of Scotland and am thinking of buying a catering van i would like to sell fish …

Just Starting Out With My Own Catering Trailer...Can You help ? 
HI EVERYONE, Came across this site and it’s been a great help, but I’d like a few questions answered please (below) I’ve just purchased a catering …

Running a Onsite Hairdressing Tailer - Can you help! 
Hi David, I am currently exploring the opportunities of running a Onsite hairdressing business in corporate car parks etc, and with only a few offering …

Small Mobile Snack Van - How To Get Started 
Hi in U.K and wish to set up a vegetarian snack van/bar something i can tow.I dont know anything about this but have great cooking skills ..most of what …

Running My Own Snack Van Burger Van  
id like to now how much i could earn a day an how much it would cost me to run a burger van. I have done a cheff course and worked as a cheff so their …

Soon To Buy a Catering Trailer 
i am buying a catering trailer soon and want to park it on a newly built complex for offices. i do not know who owns the land, can i just turn up and …

Housing & Council Tax Benefits - Starting a Small Business 
I have two children and a partner who is disabled and we receive various types of benefit's and i am seriously considering starting up my own burger van …

Mobile Snack Bar - The Best Way To Start? 
I am interested in starting up my own snack bar business and was looking to find out the best way to go about this.

Can Children Help Out In Business? 
I was thinking off starting up a mobile business in a catering van and was wondering if my daughter who is nine years old is allowed to help out? For …

Catering Van vs Trailer! Also What Are Realistic Earnings a year? 
I’m interested in buying a burger van but have read that events do not like having live petrol tanks at them (even though often the vans that tow them …

Catering Trailer Set Up Time For 2 Separate Business Locations 
Hi David many thanks for your prompt reply again. How long does it take to set up a trailer in the morning ready to trade. The reason im asking …

Becoming Self-employed and Starting My Own Business  
Hello this is a great site so I thought I would post a question too. How do you keep track of expenses throughout the year for the tax man? Also how …

Wanna Start a Health Food Organic Catering Trailer Business 
I wanna open a van, but not a burger van. Thinking more like a health food, organic, coffee type place. I have found 2 great sites in a real affluent area. …

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I Would Like to Set Up My Own Homemade Cake Business 
What a brilliant website loads of info great, I would like to set up my own homemade cake business. But would like to do it from a trailer in my driveway …

Started My Mobile Catering Business - David Just Got to Say Thanks  
David, all. I have been thinking for about starting my own catering business over 6 months as i am coming to then end of a long 23 year career in the …

Setting Up a Small Catering Business- How Much and In What Oder. 
Can you please list initial cost of setting up a mobile catering van. Please include insurance cover for the van and any other insurances needed. In …

Purchased a Mobile Catering Trailer 
Your story is of great motivation to myself, i have recently purchased a mobile catering trailer and have trained a friend so she can work full time for …

Carpentry To Mobile Catering, What Are My Chances? 
I have been self-employed for over 30 years; but would dearly love to get out of the building trade. I am in a position to buy a catering trailer/van …

Should I invest In a Mobile Coffee Van, Cost £14,000 
I am interested in starting a mobile coffee (proper coffee done the traditional way) with a purpose built mobile coffee van that will cost me £14,000. …

Thinking Of Starting Up Our Own Catering Business 
Hi, My husband and I are thinking of starting up our own catering business, like yourself, by using a catering van. We live in Sittingbounre Kent, …

Is The Catering Business Market Flooded? 
hi i was just wondering if building my own burger van would be cheaper.Also do you think that this market is flooded at the moment?

Pay Tax or not to pay Tax, that is the 
We are starting out in the business very soon, have received the pitch, got a trailer in mind, food hygiene courses completed and the money available (luckily) …

Good Small Business-But We Need More Sales 
My partner runs a burger van and has a site on an industrial estate in Wales. Custom is ok but we cannot seem to attract the office workers on the …

Start Part Time and See How It Goes.. 
Me and my friend are very interested in starting up our own burger van business on the side of our every day jobs. We are looking to start off doing …

Can I Get All The Facts on Mobile Catering 
Hi I found this very useful indeed, i am in accountancy and it sounds silly but i have wanted to do this for so long. Your story has really inspired …

I'm In IT Wth About £7k to Spend on Mobile Food Trailer 
Dear Sir, Many thanks for a great article. I seem to be starting off at the same point you did, I'm in IT with about £7k to spend for everything. I …

Ice Cream Wars - Burger Van Wars? 
How prevalent is 'family' and 'extortion' in the burger van world? I'm interested in the business, but not interested in entering a world with potential …

Sell Champagne on New Years Eve? 
Hello My plan/idea is to sell champagne on New years eve at Embankment(Opp London eye, during fireworks display. I will be providing disposable glasses, …

I Don't Want To Be Tied Down To a Shop 
It was wonderful to find a site that told me exactly what had to be done by experience. Your story was great and gave me the courage to continue. My …

Mobile Catering Business In Scotland - Good Idea? 
Hi there, I have just read your article and am keen to start a catering business in a remote but beautiful part of the west coast of Scotland.(during …

Mobile Catering in Australia -Thanks For Sharing 
Thank you for the mobile catering articles which you have posted to share the knowledge and experience. I am the one who wants to run such a business …

Fed Up With 9-5 Office Job-Dreaming Of Starting Mobile Catering Business 
Hi, I have just read your 'starting out ' and found it really really interesting and useful! It’s exactly what I was looking for. I have always dreamt …

Bored..Bored..Bored With Office Job-Inspired By Your Success 
I have been working a stupid office job since finishing uni (management degree) and somehow ended up in a call centre. I have been enjoying the job …

Starting my Mobile Catering Business-Many Questions 
I have just read your article and it has given me the extra bit of encouragement I need to move forward in my ideas of starting a catering van business. …

Enough of My Office Job-Thinking of Starting a Mobile Catering Business 
I have been working a stupid office job since finishing uni (management degree) and somehow ended up in a call centre. I have been enjoying the job …

£18 million Development and On site Catering 
I've just read your story of setting up a catering trailer business. I also want to do this but have some concerns and worries. In the summer there …

Thanks For Sharing Your Mobile Catering Business..How Can I 
Hi There, Thanks ever so much for sharing your new business story with me, I found it very helpful. I too am looking to start a catering business but …

The Best Company to Rent a New Mobile Trailer. 
Hello, My wife and I are starting our old dream, begin in the Catering business. Starting with the most "economic" solution and it's more dynamic. A …

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I've been Thinking about Running a Curry Van for Years 
Very interesting stuff. I've been ruminating on running a curry van for years. There's a possibility of redundancy from my job that would maybe give …

Mobile Coffee business for sale £13500 Not rated yet
Great opportunity to own ready to start mobile coffee business. Business inventory: · Fully equipped coffee car, including branded table, …

Mobile Bar Trailer Horse Converted Not rated yet
Superb ready to go converted RICE horse trailer into a Mobile Bar / Food Bistro or Mobile Shop. This is a superb opportunity for anyone who wants to start …

Pizza & Chicken Van Mobile Restaurants 2 Years Old Excellent Condition  Not rated yet
A fantastic opportunity to purchase either 1 or 2 x mobile restaurants on wheels. It is comprised of two highly adaptable mobile kitchen units(i.e. vans) …

Catering Business Opportunity -T/O £2400 - £2500 - Make You Lots of Money-  Not rated yet
pete,(doncaster), thanks for the last post,david. i purchased a very busy chip shop / takeaway earlier this year,(t/o was £2400/2500 p.w.),but as …

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