Christmas Markets For Mobile Catering

by Chris

Christmas Markets

Christmas Markets


Firstly, thank you for the site. This is an excellent resource, and is really making me feel more confident about starting out.

I've acquired a baked potato hand cart, and was looking to explore the possibilities of using it to sell chestnuts at Christmas markets, or a town centre.

Is there some sort of directory of little Christmas markets? Is there a larger company that manages several? I do realise I'm leaving this a bit late, but any advice would be appreciated.

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Oct 14, 2012
Christmas Market Info For Mobile Catering
by: David

Hi Chris,

I can’t say that I have much experience with Xmas markets but I’ve done some research on your behalf and gathered a few sites as a starting point. The websites below have links with contact information on Christmas markets around the U.K.

At the very least it provides some info that you can build upon, and that will get you started in the right direction.(The links below will open in a new window, just close that window to return here)

Britains Best Xmas Markets

Covent Garden Markets

You may also want to make sure that you have most of the following items as part of part of the application process.

Picture of your catering unit

Sample Menu

Level 2 Food and Hygiene Certificate

Public Liability Insurance Certificate

LPG Gas Safety Certificate

Electrical Installation Safety Certificate

Portable Appliance Installation test certificate (PAT) if you are going to be using small appliances like kettles, toasters, grills etc

Proof that you have been inspected and approved by the Local Authority

Hope this helps and the best of luck to you.


PS. Get my free guide on Starting a Mobile Catering Business Guide

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