City Centre Pitch Mobile Catering

by Lee

Hi David,

My partner and I have been looking into starting our own mobile catering business. We have been in discussions with Leeds City Council who have offered us a pitch in the city centre.

To start with we were blown away at being offered what seems to be a prime location (right in the business district - lots of accountants, solicitors etc, as well as a large hospital about 500 yards away). However, the rent is £35 per day and in the area there are also competitors such as Cafe Nero, Starbucks, Costa & Subway.

The unit we are looking at is quite unique - a trailer designed as a tudor cottage :). The food we would be selling would be quite upmarket sandwiches, salad boxes, soups, homemade cake and freshly ground 'bean to cup' coffee. We believe we can easily outdo the competition on quality and price, however we are still massively apprehensive about it and can't help thinking we make enough money, even with the thousands of people in the area!

Do you have any experience of city centre trading or any advice?

Many thanks,


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Aug 24, 2024
Update on food pitch
by: Jang

Hi I know it's a bit of an old post just wondering what happened did you end up taking the pitch from the council thanks

Jul 10, 2014
City Centre Caterng Pitch
by: David

Hi Lee,

This sound like a great opportunity for you both! I understand your reservations which is only natural since everyone has to deal with doubts and fears when starting a new business. The rent is set at £35 a day which for the 7 days comes to £245 a week, but it may be worth negotiating a settling in period of say to 1-4 months where you pay half/less rent. This will give you some breathing space and time to establish your business. There is no harm in asking. Also, the price for the pitch is not really out of line with other pitches in similar locations.

I would really find the courage; due diligence will also play an important part and make sure it’s something that both of you really want to do and don’t be put off.

Also, it’s a good idea to calculate the start-up/running costs to give you a better idea of how to prepare and what kind of capital you will need. You may find this working profit and loss template helpful

I also believe that if you offer good quality range of products, provide good service and are competitive in your pricing structure, you stand more than good chance of doing well from your business.

Wishing you the best of luck,


PS. Get my free guide on Starting a Mobile Catering Business Guide

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