Do I Need Planning Permission to Trade From Private Car Park

by Julie

I purchased a trailer which i have spent quite a lot of money refurbishing it. I now have the relevant gas and electric certificates. I have Food and Hygiene level 2 and environmental health have inspected my van and said i am registered to trade.

I rent 2 car parking places in a private car park that belongs to my landlord who owns a furniture shop. He uses the car park for his customer parking and it is not open to the public.

He also rents a couple of spaces to people that work close by. The reason i rent two car parking places is that when i spoke to environmental health they said i would have to move the trailer daily or it would be permanent and then i would need planning permission.

I plan to do shows and boot sales some weekends so it would not be permanent.My local councils planning have now informed me that i now need to apply for planning permission for the change of use of a car parking place to a trading place.

I do have my landlords full permission and he does not want them two car parking places for parking which is why he rents them to me. My plan is to trade from one place where i can be seen by the public and the at night push it back out of sight to the other space.

Many thanks Julie.

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Feb 02, 2025
Trading on Private Land – Do You Need Planning Permission or a License?
by: David-

Since you're setting up your burger van on private land, the key question is whether you need planning permission or any kind of trading license.

1. Do You Need Planning Permission?
If your trailer is temporary (e.g., you take it home daily), planning permission is usually not required.
If your trailer is permanently stationed (e.g., staying in one spot for months), the landowner may need planning permission to change its use to a food business.
If your setup includes permanent fixtures (like seating areas, signage, or structures), planning permission may be required.
If you're trading near residential areas, the council might have restrictions due to noise, smells, and operating hours.

2. Do You Need a Street Trading License?

If you are on private land and not selling to the general public, you may not need a street trading license.

If the public can access your trailer (even on private land), some councils still require a street trading license. Portsmouth City Council may have specific rules—it's best to check directly.

3. Food Business Registration
Regardless of where you trade, you MUST register your food business with the local council at least 28 days before opening. Since you already have your Food Hygiene Certificate and Gas Safety Certificate, you're on the right track.

4. Business Rates & Other Permissions
Some councils may charge business rates for a catering trailer, even on private land.
If you're connected to mains electricity or drainage, additional permissions may apply.
Always get a written agreement from the landowner before setting up.

Next Steps for You

1. Confirm with Portsmouth City Council whether your setup requires a trading license.
2. Check with the landowner if they need planning permission for your catering trailer.
3.Ensure you’re registered as a food business and compliant with food safety laws.

Apr 07, 2022
Advice on how to get a trading pitch.
by: Anonymous

I brought a burger van and now I am looking for a trading pitch in the Portsmouth area. I have been to the council but I keep going round in circles. I have my food and hygiene And I also havd my gas certificate. All I am looking for is to rent a car park or some private land so I can start trading asap. Portsmouth or surrounding areas. Please if anyone knows of any private trading pitchs or landlords. Please let me know. Thanks

Sep 22, 2021
Do I need planning permission if on private land and trading for delivery only
by: Anonymous

We plan to put a catering trailer on private land behind an established events premises. I have permission to trade. Will I require planning permission?

Mar 11, 2020
by: Ross

Hi a bought burgers a have refurb van opened van up all paper work hygiene gas safety certificate but a Told because it's on private land has being for aboot 18years that no trades licence is need because it's on private land and were it's park up have no problem can anyone she'd bit of light plz

Dec 12, 2017
burger van
by: Anonymous

I'm thinking of starting a burger van business in car park I have my health hygience cert can you tell me what other certs I need to start up

May 13, 2016
Move Trailer Off Site
by: David-

Hi Dave,

I would move it off site completely to be on the safe site. I worked on a pitch and use to take my trailer home or into a secure location. This way you will have peace of mind. You don’t really want to move it to a location that is not secure just for convenience, as this will also leave your vehicle open to theft/loss or damage.

Best o f luck

Apr 12, 2016
Private Land - How Far To Move The Trailer
by: dave m

I am in a similar situation myself ,I have not put my money into it yet and undecided what to do ,as i am waiting to hear weather i can get a trading licence yet.

I know I have a lot more rights than I am lead to believe I have,you incriminate yourself by believing what the councils tell you. You got to study and know what to say and do,well thats another story.

Here is my situation. I am in negotiations at the moment about buying a catering trailer,I seem to be having problems with getting a trading licence, the trailer is on private land on a private road, and i have permission to be there from the owner, it is on a industrial estate.

I have been told i have to move it daily or get planning permission for it to stay were it is ,if this is the case how far would I have to move the catering trailer from the pitch so its not counted as static.

It has wheels on it and can be moved at anytime, I just leave it at this pitch for convenience. I would be grateful if anyone could give me any information .

Nov 14, 2014
Planning Permission
by: Anonymous

We have a van- not a trailer- .The parking is done on a similar small business car park as well like yours. The council made us get planning permission ( full amount) for the same reason- change of use. Normally this should apply if there has been any material modification to the land in which our case there has not been any.

We work six days a week. We arrive in the morning and the van leaves to be parked elsewhere- no where near the work area.

I am very resentful towards the council. They invite big businesses to the area for nothing yet they are determined to make small business' suffer right from the beginning. They have a clause that states that every case will be judged in its own merit meaning they can do as they like and request unreasonable charges as they please...

Is there anyone out there who knows otherwise?
Good luck in your venture. We hope you'll do well..

Aug 13, 2014
Trading On Private Land
by: David-

Hi Julie,

As you have stated planning permission is needed if the trailer intends to be sited permanently each day on private land. You should also be aware that this can also trigger commercial rates which will be more favorable for any local council.

I would just confirm this so that you know the full extent of any extra cost you may be liable for. I’m not sure if using one space and then moving it to another space will qualify as not "permanently sited", so just double check.

I know someone who use to park in different places on a car par and this seemed to work for him.

Anyway please do keep us updated.

Best of luck,

PS. Get my free guide on Starting a Mobile Catering Business Guide

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