by aaron
Morning all,
i bought a burger van last month and been working on the inside daily to get it up and running before December but i have a massive issue i cant think of how to sort. i have far to much power inside the van to be able to run from a house hold plug or my generator.
i have a honda genny 8kw but here is a list of my appliances with kw
fryers 5000
water heater 3000
fridge/freezers 1000
lights 500
water motor/pump 1000
bain marie 1200
urn 1650
and that wont include anything else plugged into socket, phone charger, radio, card reader etc.
my griddle is lpg so thats ok, but what could my options be? i have a grey and blue 3 pin plug coming from the fuse box to connect, but it will just blow my house socket and imagine do the same to my generator? im to worried to even try in case it does damage to either my house or the new generator.
i cant see a way forward with out having to spend alot of money converting several things to lpg?
any help is much appreciated.
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