How Much For Catering Trailer LPG Gas and Electric Certificates?

by Tiffany

How much does it cost to get a catering trailer tested for the gas and electric certificates?

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Jun 22, 2011
gas certificates for catering trailers
by: Anonymous

hi all , my name is bruce and im a gas safe registered engineer with full qualifications for all catering equipment and installation , lpg and natural. I'm based in Leicester but i work throughout the UK. from a gas certificate to a complete kit out of appliances i cover them all .
please let me if any of you have any questions or if i can be of assistance

Jun 13, 2011
LPG Gas Certificates
by: David

Hello Tiffany,

Prices vary slightly depending on where you live but these can vary from £100, £150plus.

Find an LPG gas registered engineer via the Gas Safe Register make sure that they have experience/certified LPG gas engineer.

There is also more information and a slightly heated discussion called Getting My LPG Safety Certificate which may prove useful and provide additional information and contact numbers.

Best of luck

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