How to Start a Candy Floss Cart Business in London

Candy Floss Business

Candy Floss Business

Hello :)

I'm thinking of selling candy floss for a business in London from a cart in a street, as I read that profit is high and startup cost is low.
The problem is, I cannot find any information online about licences, permit costs and where I can actually set up, health&safety etc
How can I find all these things out and is there any advice you can give me?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Thank you :))

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Mar 15, 2019
Start Candy Floss Business
by: MobCater

1. You should cover yourself with a food and hygiene certificate and register with the local council if you intend to trade and sell food or candy floss to the public.

The main pieces of food hygiene legislation that you must comply with as a food business owner are the Regulation (EC) 852/2004 of the European Parliament on the Hygiene of Foodstuffs, the Food Safety Act 1990 and Food Hygiene (England Regulations) 2005. In short, these pieces of legislation state that anyone handling food must be appropriately supervised, as well as receive relevant instruction and/or training in food hygiene and safety. It is also stated that whoever is responsible for maintaining food hygiene procedure needs HACCP training.

2 Register your food business with the local council.
3. Register or apply for a catering pitch - council or private
4. LPG or Electric equipment test certificates.
5. Commercial Candy floss equipment and ingredients
6. Insurance

This is a basic outline to help you get going.
Pitch and other helpful links here

Best of luck,

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