I Run a Little Cake Company and Get So Many Compliments

by Eileen

Hi there, your story is really inspirational! I run a little cake company and get so many compliments on the taste of them. I am constantly being asked to set up a retail outlet but the risk of opening a shop is too great at the moment.

I would like to start selling them mobile from my car which is a people carrier so I can set the boot up to look like a little shop front. I already have the packaging to pre-box slice the cup cakes individually showing them off nicely, so there would be no handling on site of the product unpackaged, which may cause hygiene concerns.

I would like to focus on industrial estates midweek and maybe Sunday footie matches or parks at weekends; where they could come and buy from me or I can go into their offices with a basket full of goodies for them to choose from (could I do this in the park?).

I have my hygiene cert but is there another licence I would need to sell cakes out of my car? Am I allowed to go onto these estates and sell my cakes or do I need permission?

Presumably, I can’t park up and start selling on a street without council permission? Any advice would be really gratefully received. I would eventually like to open a successful cafe selling my cakes.

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Apr 12, 2011
Baking Selling Cakes From Home
by: David

You are wise to hold off from setting up a retail unit, but you could always approach other cafés, coffee houses and ask them to sell your products and split the profits.

This would be a very quick way to get your cakes into a lot of different places without the running costs. Something for you to think about.

With selling cakes at an industrial estates it may be the case that someone is already providing this service, not necessarily cakes but sandwiches along with a simple supply of cakes, chocolates and crisp so you will need to find this out before stepping on someone else?s toes.

As far as I am aware as long as the individual offices don?t mind you popping in to offer you wares it should not be a problem.

Why not get some leaflets made up with your mobile number and even some pictures of cakes you've made - would go a long way.

Finally don?t forget you need a hygiene certificate (which you already have) you also need your kitchens/ prep area checked by the council and have some product and public liability insurance, to cover you and the business.

Below are some links to related resources.

Baking From Home - True Story

Hope this helps, and best of luck with your business.

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