Keeping Stock Cold For 3 Day Event

by Nick

Hi. Many thanks for the information provided on the site.

My question is this. I am interested in purchasing a trailer to attend festivals, shows etc. The trailer we have found is perfect for our image but wouldn't have enough refrigerator space to hold stock for a 3 day event.

I don't need the space of a full refrigerated van so was wondering if it's possible to fit an industrial fridge into the van I would use for towing. This would also have the advantage of giving us space for any other equipment we might need. I was also wondering if festivals etc. provide more than one hook up point ie. one for the trailer and one for the van with a fridge in it.

many thanks

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Jun 04, 2014
Fridge Power
by: David

Hi Nick,

Please read this post which should help answer your question on the best way to power fridge

Best of luck,

Jun 04, 2014
fridge in a van
by: Nick Hodgson

Wow . Thank you David for your swift reply. One last question. Instead of a generator would it be possible to use a heavy duty leisure battery to power the fridge if we charged it off the vehicle beforehand?



Jun 04, 2014
3 Days of Trading
by: David

Hi Nick,

Good to hear from you. This should not be a problem as long as the appliance is secured properly in the second vehicle. Make sure you keep all the same food and hygiene standards as you would on the main vehicle i.e., keep records, making sure the fridge is operating at the right temperature, fit fridge alarm etc.

Also bear in mind if the fridge is electric/gas it will probably need a gas/electric certificate and then a generator if you don’t already have one. As for hook up point, they normally supply the one, but contact the event organiser to confirm. Given that it’s a 3 day event you don’t want to discover that you will have to power the second vehicle (your own gas/electric supply).

Just confirm everything before hand for smooth trading. And as a side note, don't forget to factor in sleeping arrangements for the event

Hope this helps and let me know how you get on, best of luck


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