Legal Requirements to Using 'foraged' Plants in your Recipes?

by Paul




I'm looking to start a catering business, using a trailer to take to outdoor events. I am a big proponent of foraging and was thinking of using some foraged plants in my recipes such as wild garlic, sorrel, chestnuts, ground ivy etc.

As these are found in the wild and not bought from established wholesalers, are there any legal barriers stopping me from selling these things to the public?

Thanks in advance


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Jun 24, 2011
Growing and Selling Your Own Herbs, Spices
by: David

I am not sure about this one since most people do grow food and vegetables in their garden for personal/family consumption.

Since you plan is to grow and then sell as part of your recipes, there may be some guidelines which you have to follow.

To be on the safe side, visit the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) who should be able to help you out.

Also try the Small Holder website, between the 2 you should hopefully find a more accurate answer to your question.

Hope this help

Best of luck


p.s Get my free guide on Starting a Mobile Catering Business Guide

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