LPG Gas Law Requirements

by Tony

Just last year our council told us we needed to all start getting a gas Certificate for our trailers, my trailer failed as quit a few of the compression joints were leaking gas, so I replaced all pipe work and joints with soldered joints completely ripping out the old for new and it passed without a hitch...But talking to someone just starting out and going for his own gas Certificate he was told that he would have to replace all his soldered joints and replace with compression joints witch mine failed on .... Does anyone know the law on this ?

Thanks Tony

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Apr 06, 2024
by: Anonymous

What’s the laws on compression joints for gas ie burger van does pipe work have to be 15mm

Feb 27, 2014
by: tony

Great site I love it.
thanks Dave , just what I was hoping, but needed clarification. I will pass this information on to others in my area.

Feb 27, 2014
LPG Gas Law Requirements
by: Brian

This occasionally arises as a debate. The original bs standard for pipework refers to screwed and compression fittings, soldered joints specified silver soldered/brazed. This weakens the copper either side of the joint, as well as destroying anything combustible nearby.

Uklpg code of practice 24 part 3, which is the nominated document for gas safety in catering trailers specifically refers to soldered joints being acceptable, there has been in the past debate where this means solder/silver solder, as it does not give further specification in the code.

At the very worst I would consider the issue as an observation (not to current standards), soldered joints are common place with manufacturers, it survives vehicle movement better than compression. All fittings should be appropriate for use with Lpg gas.

In all eventualities, a sound gas carcass is not dangerous.

The owner's attention is drawn to the fact that they should not be re-piping their gas themselves, as this is considered 'gas work' which requires qualification to work out suitable sizing and design etc and contravenes the gas safety installation and use regulations.

I have seen DIY pipework routed through wheel arches. The only exception to this is a registered catering trailer builder producing a product, the installers competence is then determined by the company owner, work is then covered under the factories act.

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