LPG Gas Setup Within a Gazebo

by Lee


Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to answer questions on here.

I'm really struggling to find info regarding the law on a gas setup within a gazebo. I read Helen's post below and am experiencing a similar issue in that trying to comply with the NCASS code of practice is very difficult as I just can't find the systems they are talking about, for example the quick release coupling for solid pipes.

Within my setup I'm going to have a griddle, bain marie, single ring burner and a burco water boiler.

My questions are:

1. Do you need solid gas pipework to carry the gas around the gazebo or will 8mm high pressure gas hose be acceptable?

2. Does every device need a cut off valve?

3. How do you work out how big a canister will be needed/ how much gas you will use when all devices are working at maximum?

3. Do you happen to know a gas engineer in the West London area who could check my equipment to make sure it is compliant with the law and provide the relevant certificates?

Thanks again for taking the time to answer questions, it really is appreciated.



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Mar 04, 2019
Gazebo Catering
by: David-

For Gazebo catering, all gas regulators require an opso safety device now

To connect up and test along with issuing necessary paperwork you will need a qualified gas engineer.

Opso regulators 4kg/hour start at around £45, if the engineer knows what they are doing, they will know where to get them.

Jul 17, 2017
Gazebo gas regs
by: Noel

First off a thank you to Brian for his professional advice, this is such a grey area regarding gas regulations..
As an ex gas fitter myself i do have an understanding of the regs although my experience in gas commercial catering regulations is limited and probably out of date...
I am also interested in starting a catering business and i love the gazebo experience as it brings both caterer and customer closer and on the same level as compared to a towable trailer/ food truck...
As with commercial catering setups (fixed installation ) require a gas safety interlock system that require a extract fan proving system linked to the gas supply/pipework via a solenoid...

My question or querie is that i have seen many a gazebo set up without such devices...

My set up would include flat-top griddle, possibly two of them depending on size, also a bain-marie uncertain of what size/KW these appliances would be as i am only in the research stage and hope to be up and running next spring..

Any further information advice would be gratefully appreciated on these areas..
Thanks in advanced.

Mar 26, 2015
The eternal mystery of LPG
by: Paul

Hi, Read this with interest and some sound advice. Are there any specific brands, models, etc, that can be specified for the regulator and auto shut-off? This is always a problem I find that the final step can be left open to interpretation. A simple list of suitable items would demystify the whole thing.

Oct 10, 2014
LPG Gas Regulations For Gazebo
by: Brian

Hi Lee,

NCASS code is currently an industry best practice guide, it is not yet a nominated document, so compliance with it is not a "law" issue.
That said, it does contain a lot of sound advice, however there are a lot of other standards that apply to a pop up kitchen.

Orange hose - being 8mm internal bore, quite apart from heat/fire/safety issues of flexible pipe, it cannot supply very large volumes of gas for powerful appliances, so yes, rigid pipework is a very good idea.

Cut off valves, yes appliances require shut off valves in addition to flame safety devices.
Sizing of gas bottles must correspond with both total appliance power requirements, gas pipe size, and the rating of the gas regulator.
The nominal rate for a single propane 19kg bottle is 19kw, 30kw for a single 47kg, these rates reduce in very cold weather. The most cost effective choice are a pair of 19kg bottles (38 kw), 2 or 4 47kg bottles (60kw & 120kw).

When certifying the equipment, note that pop up kitchens cannot be certified with tightness details, as they are not fixed installations, the engineer should supply guidance notes to help you set up the kitchen.

If the gas engineer writes down 37mb for every appliance test result, refuse their certificate, regulation 26 section 9 of the gas safety installation and use regulations require "measured" results. Another common mistake is engineers mislabelling flues configuration on catering appliances, this is generally "FL" - flueless (not fitted with a chimney), not OF - open flued (like an open fire) or RS (room sealed) like a modern heating boiler.

Non compliance with gas regulations may not automatically mean a dangerous situation, but will need specific risk assessments which will complicate checks at events.

Hope that helps

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