LPG Or Electrical Equipment Needed?

by Marv
(London )

Hi All,

This site has been amazing David, has really helped me a lot.

My question is, I have a small 10 x 5 trailer, however I will be needing energy to run:

Coffee Machine
Coffee grinder
Pannini Grill
1 fridge/freezer
1 fridge

I have an lpg griddle.

I also have a petrol generator, if I were to convert this into gas, would I need gas specific equipment or would normal electric equipment do? As the lpg specific equipment are much more expensive.

Kind Regards

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Mar 18, 2014
LPG Equipment or Electrical
by: David

I have converted one generator to lpg, but it was a specific retro fit kit to a generator sold as petrol or dual fuel - there are no generic lpg kits that I am aware of. Edge Technology have a LPG conversion kit that might be of interest to you.

A mix of electric and gas appliances are fine, gas will be less costly to run unless you have access to a mains hook up. Most lpg fridge/freezers are 3 way meaning that you can hook them up to 12volt, lpg or the mains.

I agree that LPG equipment is more expensive, but as mentioned earlier LPG gas is cheaper to run. If you are able to have all LPG equipment, you can then dispense with the use of the generator, the noise and having to lug it in and out of the catering trailer.

Also bear in mind that if you plan to have a combination of LPG/Electric equipment you will have to make sure that the generator has enough wattage to power all the equipment; be warned that microwaves use a lot of power. You will also need to have an LPG/Electric/P.A.T test for the equipment listed above.

Take a look at this post which will prove useful to you

Power Onboard refrigerator

Best of luck,


PS. Get my free guide on Starting a Mobile Catering Business GuideQ

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