LPG Safety Certificate in Glasgow for Food Stalls

by Shuja Ijaz

Hi there

I'm starting a new business of selling food at local events, Mela's, sort of a food stall. I'm completely new so I'm trying to get maximum information. I have been told about Food and Hygiene certificates, food handling certificates, permission from the Glasgow city council to sell food at local events, Gas Safety Certificate.
I have no clue about how can I get a gas safety certificate please help


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Mar 14, 2019
LPG Test Certificate
by: David-


You can search the Gas Safe Register to find an LPG Engineer that will come out and inspect your equipment and issue you a test certificate. You can't legally trade without it, this will need to be done every 12 months or 6 months depending. Make sure they are qualified to work specifically on commercial mobile catering. A normal domestic gas engineer will not be properly qualified to issue a test certificate.

If you can't find an LPG Engineer, you may find this service helpful find a gas engineer

Best of luck,

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