Tell Us About Your MLM Opportunity Share Your Story and Experience

The Place To Make Your MLM Opportunity & Experiences Count

Here's your chance to help someone by sharing your MLM (Multi Level Marketing) business experience.This can be on any genuine business/MLM opportunity that you are currently involved in or have been involved with.

As an example you may find it helpful if you read my own personal story on MLM. How I got started, the kind of service I was promoting and other interesting experiences that I’ve chosen to share along the way. Most importantly, just tell it from the heart and with a good few solid facts, pros, cons and anything else helpful. It doesn’t have to be too long as long as it’s your own unique perspective.

Read my MLM experience and how I got started, just because my home phone wasn't working!

This will give you an idea of what to write and what kind of information will help people to understand this kind of business better.

You should try and engage people with your own story, tell them about yourself so that they can relate better to you and your experience. Make your words honest, interesting, and helpful to give people a good overview about your MLM business experience.

You should try and include the answers to the few basic questions below.

  • Something about you, past, present - how you got started
  • What was your MLM business opportunity?
  • What kind of products and services are/were you promoting
  • What type of MLM business were you involved with.
  • Any other important and relevant information which could help.

Finally when you have finished writing your contribution read it back to yourself. Place yourself in the mind of the person reading your article and ask yourself does this genuinely help somebody, and give them enough information to make a decision. If the answer is yes then please... share with us.

You can also ask people to contact you if you wish, so do include a contact number, email address or somewhere they can reach you. Finally we take copyright very seriously- so please don’t use anyone else material – just your own words.

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Read MLM Real Stories That People Have Shared - See Below

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

Are You Seeking the MLM Holy Grail? Look Within. Not rated yet
Network Marketing. It's not what I was looking for when I set out to start a home based business in the early 90's. Although I wasn't entirely sure what …

My MLM Small Business Experience Amway Not rated yet
I was not satisfied with my current earnings and started looking for ways to earn an extra income. Something that would give me and my family a better …

My Small Business Grew Slowly - But I Did It! and So Can You Not rated yet
My name is Nidhi. I am pretty cool with the level I have raised my small business to. I am however constantly reminded of the initial struggle and frustrations. …

Nu Skin MLM Opportunity Story Not rated yet
Hi, my name's Paul, a Certified Public Accountant, after several years of working on a audit company, I've decided to join a networking business with multi …

My Experience in Multilevel Marketing Not rated yet
Hi I am a home maker and my husband works for a private company. Even though my husband earns a reasonable income, I felt I should support him financially, …

Life Changed After Joining MLM Business Not rated yet
Hello! Let me first of all introduce myself. My name is Elisa and I was working with a recruitment consultancy but I had to give up the job after my child …

My First MLM Opportunity Not rated yet
My first introduction to MLM was in college. I was struggling to pay my way through college by working part time at odd jobs, mowing lawns, waiter, or …

Can MLM Be A Route To Financial Freedom? Not rated yet
Hey to everybody! Well as the saying goes ‘what you see is what you get, yes certainly the most important think for any business is confidence and will …

Mannatech - A Global Business MLM Opportunity Not rated yet
I have started in Mannatech, I was first introduced to the products, they have a 90 money back guarantee and I tried it as there was little risk. It …

My Small Business Experience With MLM Not rated yet
HEY, I’m Ammar, Like a lot of other people, I was introduced to this stuff in my university days and I’m studying Chartered Accountancy. Though established …

MLM Business Amway Helped Me In Reaching My Aspirations And Goals Not rated yet
My name is Shelly and I was a bored housewife. Five years ago my friend suggested me to get into a multi level marketing business. The business was Amway, …

To Be Successful in MLM You Definitely Have To Be a People Person Not rated yet
My name is Gary. I am 58 years old, married, and I am a Christian. I am and ordained minister, and formally a carpentry contractor. After an auto accident …

My Personal Experience With MLM Amway Not rated yet
Multi-level marketing, also known as network marketing, has been around for many years now. It is a controversial business model but is supposedly also …

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