Mobile catering and hygiene certificates

by pamela stenton
(eastbourne, england)

I am checking to determine whether it is sufficient for a mobile catering van to display their hygiene rating certificate or should the staff each have their own Level 2 Certificate?

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Mar 03, 2025
Food & Hygiene Certs
by: MobCater


In the UK, a mobile catering van should display its Food Hygiene Rating Certificate so customers can see the food hygiene standards of the business. However, staff members also need to have the right food safety training.

What’s Required?

Food Hygiene Rating Certificate:

This is issued by the local council after an Environmental Health Officer (EHO) inspects your mobile catering business.

It shows how well your business meets food safety laws. While it’s not a legal requirement to display it, it helps build customer trust.

Level 2 Food Hygiene Certificate (for staff):

This is a requirement for anyone handling open food (like cooking, preparing, or serving).
Staff don’t need to display their individual certificates, but they must have completed the training.

The certificates should be available if an inspector asks for them.


Your mobile catering business should display the hygiene rating certificate to the public.
Staff members must have a Level 2 Food Hygiene Certificate (or higher) if they handle food.
Keep training records available for inspection, but they don’t need to be displayed. Best of luck

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