Mobile Catering !Help On Quantities For Medium Size Catering Event

by Daniel

Hi we have been up and running for a couple of weeks now and doing ok. We have been asked to do a charity event this Sunday where they have 100 confirmed guests and more likely there will be around 200 on the night.

We have no idea what quantity of stock we should get in for this. The event will run from 5-11pm, there will be live bands and a disco.

We have decided to limit what we sell to burgers, bacon, hotdogs and possibly chilidogs.

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Jun 21, 2010
Great Idea
by: tanya

Hey, this is a great idea I would like to do the same but still need a kick to get started.Summer is nearly here and i think this kind of business will work really well.

Good luck.

Feb 16, 2010
A Bit Of a Juggling Act
by: Anonymous

Hi Daniel,

This is a good move on your part as least you can just use the stock and cook from the menu which you normally use for your day to day business(assuming you have a traditional menu)Your exactly right to cook these types of food, especially for large quantities which will be expected. If you a baine marie this should not pose any real problems and as to ?how much? food to cook you?ll just have to play it by ear, there is no real ways to guess the numbers. Just buy your normal stock but double/triple the quantity that you normally buy and make sure you can bring as much as possible. This way if you don?t use all of it on the night, you can use it for your normal day trading.

If most of your stock is frozen don?t defrost all in case it?s not needed, but have it close to hand so if you do need it you will be able to get your hands on it quickly.

It?s going to be a bit of a juggling act, but well worth it.Have fun!

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