Mobile Catering Pitch - How To Get Started

by Rakesh

Hi, I am new to catering, but I know outside catering is the perfect business for me, I love cooking and I love working out, and I love driving.

I am from a small town called Stafford in Staffordshire, I don’t know where to start from, I got the money to buy Catering Van, but don’t know how to get a pitch.

I have tried the council but they said they haven’t got any available. I have also seen catering vans in lay byes, in industrial estates and in town.

Just wondering - say if I found a suitable pitch which is not someone’s private property, I mean roadside or kerbside in an estate or industrial estate, what should I do?

Do I start trading from there, should I contact Highways or council or anyone else?

Or if anyone knows who is selling a pitch in Stafford, please let me know

Thanks and Regards

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Oct 23, 2024
same issue
by: Emma

we have bought a catering unit as we were told mobile catering was a money maker. we've been trying for ages to get a starting to lose heart and my anxiety is through the roof...southampton are stopping people street trading.. weve applied everywhere

Jun 10, 2021
Mapping need for application
by: Anonymous

Hi when trying to fill in the necessary form on the Gov website it asks for mapping. What is this please and how do I go about getting this won’t let me go any further without it.

Thanks Nic

Aug 25, 2014
planning question
by: pam

hi all
i wonder if someone can help me here please
i have a catering van and is on my private drive to my garage which is away from my house.
there is building work going on at the back of me and my garage driveway is on the site entrant
i have heard that i don't need planing if it moves on a regular basis.
so does anyone know the law on this ie how far and how regularly.
thank you for your help on this.

Jul 11, 2013
mobile sandwich business
by: Anonymous

Thinking of starting my own mobile sandwich business...there is alot of industrial estates here. Haven't got a penny but want to really make a go of this.Can anyone please advice me as to who i need to ask permission for to do this in respect of driving to industrial estates.... i know there a woman who already does a delivery there already and theres always space for another....looked on ebay for vans and omg.....wouldn't also be able to use my own kitchen as its so small....

Mar 29, 2013
Planning Permission
by: David

Hello Ati,

I understand what is written here - and you say that these other food shops are not open when you plan to trade. If this is the case can you not put this to the planning officer and gauge his response before you make the application?

Ultimately – you have to use your better judgement and make a decision as this is not something that I can do for you.

I have myself in the past have applied for planning permission – and have received a refusal. The money for the planning application as you point out was lost, but it was a chance I decided to take.

The best of luck to you, and please keep me updated.


Mar 28, 2013
To find a pitch
by: Anonymous

Hi David,
here is the answer from the council:

Dear Mr Felix,

Apologies for the delay in response.

I can confirm that you will require planning permission to site a snack van at Porthouse Industrial Estate in Bromyard. Whilst the Council has granted planning permission for this type of development in the past, I am also aware that it has refused permission for a similar request at a site in Ledbury on the basis that it would affect business in the town centre. The Council’s refusal was also upheld when the applicant appealed to the Planning Inspectorate.

It seems to me that this site is much closer to the town centre than the site in Ledbury and I am inclined to think that its impact would be greater as a result and that an application may well be refused.

I hope that this is of some assistance

Yours sincerely

Andrew Banks

Principal Planning Officer

Herefordshire Council

Blueschool House



Tel: 01432 383085

So the other refusal by the council was in an other small town and not here, not in this town.
That industrial estate where I have a plan to put my burger trailer is about 4-500 yards from the town cenrte where the closest fast food restaurants are. (Chinese and Turkey and a cofee shop) They are selling similar food (burgers) what I want to. I also want to sell hot dogs, sandwiches, salads, hot and cold drinks, pancakes. In my opinion I would not affect them because they opening hours is 5PM-11PM, my opening hours would be 8AM-2PM. There is a COOP shop close to me (about 20-30 yards) but they don't selling any hot food. So I'm still in doubt refelct of they answer in advance, shall I apply for the planning permission wich is shall cost £385? This is a non refusal money so they won't give it back even if they make a good refusal.

Mar 27, 2013
Catering Pitch
by: David

Hello Ati,

You may want to consider how far away from the town your pitch is located in comparison to the other burger van that was refused permission?

If it’s further away then I don’t see a problem as healthy competition is good for business so long as you’re not located in close proximity to other similar businesses.

Also what kind of food will you be selling, will you be in direct contact with businesses in the town or can you sell something a little different.

Obviously this is a decision that you will have to make as no one can really say what the outcome will be.

Best of luck,

Mar 27, 2013
To find a pitch
by: Anonymous

Hello david,

First of all I love reading your website, lot of comments are here, easy to learn from the others.
I find a pitch in the industrial estate in my small local town.

This is a private land and the land owner has been let me to trade. After I was contacted with the council about what permission shall I need, than they said I need a planning permission and a street trading licence?

Also they advised me there was a similar requirement in another small town (put a burger van to the industrial estate) and a council had a good refusal, because it affects the business in the town centre.

I am asking, reflecting they advice given by council, is there any point to apply for the planning permission which is cost £385 if they already made a refusal against? Is that any good reason to do not start a burger van business because it would be affect the other business in the town???

Thank you for anyone who's gets to write a comment on this.


Nov 06, 2010
by: Anonymous

Thanks,I have found a pitch someone was on the pitch for the last 9 years but has now got a cafe.

So the pitch is now empty now.I willing to pay him some money but what kind of legal documents should i sign so there is no problem later.

He is a good man and is helping me a lot with the pitch.


Oct 15, 2010
Finding a Catering Pitch To Trade From
by: David

Hi Rakesh,

The toughest part of starting your mobile catering business is finding a good pitch. A good way to start is to take a drive around your local area and try to identify local pitch opportunities.

Once you have found something that has potential it?s up to you to contact the landlord and get permission to trade.

It?s more or less the same thing if you are trading on a lay-by, roadside or industrial estate.

Another option is to try and buy a catering trailer and pitch which has already been established, this way you can started right away.

Wishing you every success.


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