Mobile Catering Unit or Gazebo

I am looking to set up a mobile catering unit to supply events and festivals etc.

I cannot decide whether to buy a trailer and do it all from there, or whether to do the food at ground level under a gazebo (which I would prefer).

I need a griddle, bain marie, water heater etc. I would also need some kind of fridge - one for drinks and another for uncooked meat and veg products.

I would prefer to use a gazebo but I am worried then how to pass this through hygiene standards as I would not have a 'premises'. I also wonder if I have to have a sink and running water.

Also, can you tell me the practicalities of using a gazebo over a trailer?

Many thanks.

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Oct 23, 2010
Long term mobile catering business
by: David

To be honest with you I don?t personally have any experience using a Gazebo, but instead of deciding which one to go with I would first contact the events/festivals organisers and ask them.

They would be in a better position to tell you which is the preferred method of selling food at their events and from here you can decide on a clear choice.

Practicalities of using a gazebo over a trailer is that a catering trailer is for people who want to earn a living and earn money from mobile catering all year round.

These people see the advantage of finding a pitch to sell hot and cold food from and if then they wish in the summer months can also cater for festival, events, fairs and car boots.

In my opinion using a Gazebo is mainly for summer events, summer months, and even though the initial out lay is less than buying a catering trailer and pitch so are the long term rewards.

In saying that, if your intent is to set up a business for the summer months only, this may be the right choice for you.

Whatever you decide I wish you the best of luck.


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