Problem Finding a Catering Pitch in Milton Keynes

by Christopher
(Milton Keynes)

I got myself everything to start my own German themed catering business.Now I have been looking and asking for over a month for a side to place my van and start catering.

I would have never expected that this is the most difficult part of the game. So far I have applied with the council, which has not been successful.
I have asked several Festivals, of which there was an interest, but at the end it didn't happen.
And the shops always argue, that they have their own cafe, or anything else, what would be in conflict of their, or their partner’s interest.
I haven t looked into Industrial estates just yet, how to get a pitch there or anywhere really?

I never thought I would need to ask for it, but please help?

Many thanks

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Apr 19, 2024
Pitch Milton keynes
by: Crazyfoodz

Hi, We are looking for a permanent pitch in Milton Keynes or surrounding areas please if there are any available I have all certificates, insurance , food trailer all ready to go . Please contact me on :


Aug 07, 2015
by: snack wagon

Yeah, this fella is right.
Pitch is number one if you want to trade during the week.
I have set up a snack wagon in Hemel.
We started in march and are now turning £300 a day.
My name is Stuart and I know how, and if your area council will grant a street trading license to you.

Dec 31, 2014
Finding a Catering Pitch
by: David

Hi Chris,

Believe it or not finding a pitch is the hardest part of starting a mobile catering business. Some people get lucky and find one straightaway, while others take much longer or even give up in the process.

The only thing I can suggest is to stay positive and keep looking, extend the areas that you are looking at. So for instance, I had the same problem and could not find a pitch in my immediate area, so I would search further afield until something turned up. Of course you don’t want to go too far so set some limits from your base.

As for Industrial Estates, it’s just a matter of finding out if they are owned by the council in that case you would need to contact the local council or if they are private. It may be helpful to take down any contact numbers you find on Tolet boards to contact any the landowners.

Wishing you the best of luck.

PS. Get my free guide on Starting a Mobile Catering Business Guide

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