Rent suggestions for industrial estate

by Sylvia

Hi all:
My husband and I are trying to start our mobile food business. There is a Small industrial estate just near my home. We discussed with the Land manager, He’s happy for letting us in. However he’s not very experienced with the rent. So he asked us how much would we accept.
We are also very new in this business. So we quote £100 per month. Do you think it’s a reasonable price or is it too low?
We use their grass land, no water, no electricity.


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Oct 20, 2021
by: Anonymous

Hi Sylvia ! How can you find out who is a land manager? I am trying to find a place in the industrial park near me, but I don't know where to start!

Oct 20, 2021
by: Anonymous

Hi Sylvia ! How can you find out who is a land manager? I am trying to find a place in the industrial park near me, but I don't know where to start!

Jul 01, 2020
Catering Pitch Rent
by: David-

Hello Sylvia,

This is very low price for a catering pitch as most are £100’s a week. I would stick to the same price and try and get this in writing for the 1st year at least. This will give you time to establish the business and to build an income. Be aware that depending on the local council you may also have to pay business rates.

Best of luck,

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