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Coffee Van on Private Land

I have a mobile van out of which I plan to sell coffees and cake (moving multiple times in the day). I have permission from the owners of a (privately

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What licenses or permits are required

I have a chance to sell burgers and sausages from a bbq as part of a rig at a music festival I am a chef by trade and have a health and hygiene certificate

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Do I Need A License to Trade from Various Locations

Hi. I am thinking of starting a mobile food business. Basically providing lunch to offices, garages anyone really. So do I need some sort of license

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Hot Water For Mobile Catering

Hi guys, newbie here. I am just starting a refurbishment of a catering trailer. Majority of the current equipment is electric and just a gas hob. The

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VW Campervan For Mobile Catering

Hi, I'm thinking of buying a classic pop top VW Campervan and use it as a catering van as it would already have a sink, gas connection and lighting. Would

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Electrical Advice Needed Mobile Catering Equipment

Equipment Overload Mobile Catering

Morning all, i bought a burger van last month and been working on the inside daily to get it up and running before December but i have a massive issue

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Coffee Machine Gas or Electric?

Hi, Im in big dilemma. Im setting up my Citroen HY van as catering unit and there will be coffee machine. Im not sure which option to choose, electric

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Cheese Toasties Mobile Catering

Hi, I am in the early stages of setting up a cheese toastie trailer and working out what equipment I will need. I am looking at a buffalo panini press

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What Size Gas Bottles Do I Need For Fish & Chip Van

LPG Bottles Fish and Chip Van

Hello, and thank you for very useful help here. I am starting up as fish and chip van and wondered if LPG Gas would be best for all of the equipment?

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LPG Certificate Needed for Propane Gas Cyinders

We are permanently based with an outside catering unit for thirty years at the Royal Guards Polo Club, Smiths Lawn, Windsor Great Park, and as of now we

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Quickest Way To Heat Hotdogs

Hi, I'm in the process of opening a food unit with my husband. We're serving probably 3 varieties, bought precooked and heating them up ourselves. We

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BBQ Business Portable Smoker & Tent

Hi David, Just found your site and its wealth of information and I would appreciate some advice. I'm in the process of starting an American barbecue

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Mobile Food Trailers, Catering Vans – Questions & Answers

Do you have questions to do with mobile food trailers, catering vans hire or conversions please find the answer here or ask us a question.

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Mobile catering and hygiene certificates

I am checking to determine whether it is sufficient for a mobile catering van to display their hygiene rating certificate or should the staff each have

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Start a Coffee Cart Business U.K |Mobile Coffee Business

start coffee cart business

Discover how to start a coffee cart business. What you need to get started, finding a coffee cart pitch and other important mobile catering information.

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Mobile Catering Vehicles and Trailers for Sale | What to Look Out

mobile catering trailer for sale

Buying a mobile catering vehicle, where to buy a burger van or trailer. What to look out for. Is the catering van stolen. Tips, tricks and advice to help you buy the perfect cateirng vehicle.

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Wanting to Buy a Waffle/crepe Tricycle- Any Advice Greatly Appreciated

Hi guys, I'm wanting to set up selling waffles and crepes at my friends busy farmers market. I am totally new to all this and the idea of a tricycle really

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Towing Vehicle For Mobile Catering

I'm looking to sell my current car and purchase a 4x4 with tow bar, initially to ferry our gazebo, tables, grills etc to and from events. Then in the near

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What Batteries Do I Need

I have a 3000w (constant) 6000w (intermediate) invertor currently running off two truck batteries with split charger. This is running a dual fuel coffee

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Childrens parties

Hi, I have a vintage caravan and preparing to advertise for offering children's parties on their premises in the caravan. I will be providing cake,s sweets,

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