Start Mobile Catering Business in Zimbabwe.
by Oppah
Hello David
I really want to do business in Zimbabwe. I have conducted some market research and I think I will never go wrong with it.
When I went home in May 2011, I noticed that people cook meals from home and deliver to various people in town. By the time they get to town the food will be cold.
So if I buy this Catering Trailer I am able to provide a more direct service not only will i be targeting my customers directly I will be providing a better quality product compared to my competitors.
Having a mobile business would also mean i can target various/potential customers for example there are various church gatherings where people cook their food from outside and its very unhygienic.
This would really give me an edge as the appeal of the trailer may steal my competitors customers.
We are currently using American Dollars back home and I noticed that they charge a packet of chips US$2.00 and with our African Meals which is quite common they charge US$3 for Sadza (staple food) and Stew or Rice and Stew. A sandwich will cost US$1.50.
Hopefully you understand why it is essential i get this trailer as it is the uniqueness of my business idea, no one else is doing it. Buying and building the components will cost more, it would also be riskier as some services there are not as reliable when putting things together.
I have been shopping around for good second hand trailer in the UK and they cost at around £6-8 000.00. I will check prices from China, India soon to find a decent price however, I was looking for someone who was willing to provide me with funding and i would pay them back on an arranged payment plan.