Struggling to find Gas Burners For Catering Trailer

Hi, I have bought a catering van. The griddle is of an old fashioned style where the burners are separate from the griddle, as in not all one unit. The burners sit on a shelf below the griddle.

I am unable to load pictures here of the griddle and burner set up to make it easier to understand.

Do you know of anywhere I could get these burners? They are long and rectangular if anyone could give me any advice on where I could get a burner to suit this griddle it would be much appreciated!

Thanks in advance

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Apr 18, 2019
Gas Burners
by: Anonymous

You could try a company called Intergas UK Ltd as they have a range of cast iron burners. Some come with the thermocouple safety feature too, which is great for indoor catering units. They also stock a full range of LPG equipment so if you need hose or regulators to suit they can help.

They're based in the North East but if you aren't local to them, they can ship orders out.

Best of Luck!

Apr 17, 2019
by: Kieron carney LPG

You have free standing burners under a hot plate the old cast iron type, still available and can be purchased at BES plumbing supplies find them on line you will see a picture of your old burners or a modern replacement, They should be replaced by a qualified LPG catering engineer who will fit and test with flame failure device (Thermocouples) some burners come complete

Best wishes and good luck 😉

Apr 15, 2019
LPG Gas Griddle Repairs
by: David-

Hello Kelly,

You could try and locate the make and model number of the griddle which will give you the manufacturers details, they may have parts.

However, if it's an old model you may want to get a new gas griddle.

Failing that I would get an LPG engineer to come and do any needed work or repairs, it is a legal requirement and so not something you can undergo yourself. They will also test the appliance and issue safety certificate which you will need to trade legally.

Visit the Gas Safe website to find a qualified engineer near

Best of luck,

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