Thinking of Buying a Candy Floss Maker and Cart

by sharon
(manchester uk)

Seriously considering buying a candy floss unit, saw a guy selling it on a local shopping precinct and he seemed to being doing well.

My questions are though what permits would i need and more importantly do you think there is money to be made out of this.

The guy at the shopping precinct was charging £1 for a floss, what other places would be good for this i was thinking outside a B&Q or something.

Who would i approach to put a cart there and any ideas of how much rent they would charge. Sorry for all the questions!!

Thanks in advance.

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Jun 12, 2019
We need a candy floss stall for our food festival
by: Banstead Food Festival


I saw you run a candy floss business. We are looking for someone to sell candy floss at our food festival in Banstead, Surrey on 29th June.

If you are interested please let us know!

Call Carol on 020 3940 1105.
We look forward to hearing from you.


May 11, 2019
On site power supplies
by: SS Candy

I run a candyfloss stall (SS Candy), which raises money for a Scout group. We do play with a kukoo machine.
While we have our own generator we have attended a couple of events where generators are not permitted. Required to use their supply at an exorbitant cost.
On both occasions we have had problems with the machine due to inadequate voltage or amps. I am currently at a large show turning people down unless they want sweets or drinks. There was insufficient amps and heater didn't get hot enough and it is now clogged up.
Terms and conditions of power supply usually means they have no blame.
Get a good generator with auto voltage regulation and be self reliant.

Mar 01, 2019
candy floss advice
by: David-

Hello all,

I would check with your local council since some have different regulations. However, on the whole, you should still cover yourself with a food and hygiene certificate and register with the local council if you intend to trade and sell food to the public.

Also, if you are interested in selling candy floss, you should opt for a commercial grade candy floss machine. Rather than the cheaper domestic machines, they don't last as long and will burn out quickly. Candy floss machines run really hot and so the components need to be of a commercial grade to hit and maintain the right temps.

I would also recommend a candy floss machines either built in the UK or from the USA, they seem to have a proven track record. And if they do suffer a breakdown, parts are easily available.

For those of you who don't have the time or want the hassle or risk associated with sourcing the wrong candy floss equipment or supplies.

Feb 09, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi do you need to have a health & safety certificate or health and hygiene one to run popcorn or candy floss machine? Thanks

Jun 28, 2017
Looking for somebody to sell cannot floss at an event
by: Anonymous

Hi ,I'm looking for a candy floss seller to attend an American themed day event in Staffordshire ...the event will run from 12 midday until 10pm ...if anybody would like to get in touch with me please do .
Many thanks
Sadie clayton

Apr 24, 2015
Kukoo machine problems. Cant find help.
by: Anonymous

I'm booked for a cancer charity event tomorriw but I'm struggling. I heat up the machine for about 5 minutes....but then I try to add sugar but most of it sprays out...and makes a tiny bit of floss.  So I have tried turning it off each time to add sugar which is a tiny bit better but I still lose so much. I also end up looking daft as I get covered....I haven't got a dome and its previous owner said its not necessary. Ill be outside tomorrow and I just know I'm gonna fail....I'm very nervous. I used a 1lb of sugar and only made about 7. Also. .... it smokes....I've cleaned it though. ...and it can't be too much sugar ss its all spat out. Please help. Tina. X

Oct 29, 2014
Any advice
by: Anonymous

Im thinking of starting a candy floss business also.... Do i need any licences or permits? Or food hygiene certificates? What about insurances? Any help would be great

Jun 07, 2011
Candy Floss and Popcorn Tips
by: Anonymous

Get a proper Floss Boss /Kando or similar machine, don't pay less than about £800 for a new one.

Don't buy Chinese. If it isn't USA or UK made it is probably false economy.

Yep honestly. I bought a catering trailer a little while ago and have gone into various other areas one being floss another popcorn.

A 20Kg bag of kernels at wholesale is £22 or in my books £320+ of popcorn.Try and get in with the local schools.

A Summer fair I did at the local (small) primary last week brought me in £185 in one and a half hours and a donation to the school PTFA of £50, profit was about £130 for that time on a Friday evening period of about 2 hours after cleaning the machines.

Popcorn machines can be picked up for about £400 new, I struck lucky and got a once used one complete with a cart, off e-bay for £120.

It paid for itself 3 times over at a school Xmas event.

Check out my website,

and you'll see what following the principles on this site and a bit of luck can get you in just over a year if you work hard, tighten your belt and reinvest.

I have no loans or debts and I am now starting to enjoy the fruits of my labours. Good luck !!!!

May 05, 2011
Candy Floss Machine Business
by: Ron

Here are some answers to your questions.

1. You do not require permits or licences in fact the only question that may be asked by a council department would be the number relating to the colouring used in the sugar mix.

2. The best answer to; can make money from the sale of candy floss. People of all ages love floss, be on the coast or in land ask any circus or theme park. Profit from the sale of floss it’s just a lovely way to convert an 89p bag of granulated sugar into £20 plus. Candy floss now sells at £1.50p per bag most places.

3. You ask what other places would be good for the sale of this product. Almost any where there is a flow of people, in or outside any store weather it is B&Q or other. School feats, sweet shops, car boots and markets.

I know if I owned newsagents it would be the first piece of kit I would buy. With the profit margins so good one could even wholesale this product.

4. You would need to approach the owners of any site you have in mind for their permission. As for the rent of a site, that also would be down to the owners.

5. There is also market to hire out equipment the rates for a good commercial machine £90 to £120 per day.

Plus on top of this you could even sell the sugar mix. Sugar mix made up in four pound bags. Price per bag? Any unopened bags would be refunded to your customer.

Hope this answers all your questions.

Regards Ron

Quick start candy floss business package

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