Thinking of Buying a Jiffy Van to Sell Pies

by Brett

Hi there,

I loved reading your article... if your food is as good as your article then you must have made some great money ;)

I am toying with the idea of starting up, i was thinking of buying a jiffy van to sell pies, sausage rolls etc as well as sandwiches and things like that...

I am not sure tho weather it will take off as well as i am looking at office complexes which are on Technical parks etc...

Or do i do as you have done and go down the catering van road which i have thought about for many yrs.

One thing i can agree with... yes it is a very daunting and scary thought of having no stable income, will i make enough to live on etc etc..

Thanks for posting this article it has helped me so much.

Good luck for the future and i hope you continue with your success.


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Jan 26, 2009
The best thing to do is some market research
by: Anonymous

Hi Brett,

Thanks for the compliment my article writing was not always that great. As it's been a long time since school and just like with the cooking it did take some practice.

With regards to your questions, the jiffy van is a good idea if you can find the right location. Somewhere that has little choice in the way of providing hot food and drinks.

The best thing to do is some market research to find out if there is need for a static catering trailer. Where people come to you or a jiffy van where you go to your customers.

It's hard to say without knowing the area in where you are going to trade in, but some market research will help you make a more sound decision.

When I first started trading it was mainly on little techno parks with no one really providing any hot food.

So for me it was a good market to cater for. I used to drive around in my car and see where the best place was to trade.

It is very daunting to start off but well worth the effort as when you get going you learn a set of very different skills.That not only help you with your current business but, with any other business that you to choose to pursue.

I?m not saying rush into it, but do take a calculated risk and if it's for you get going.

Best of luck


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