Thinking of Setting Up a Mobile Catering Fish and Chip Van Business

Could you please try and help.

I am looking at starting a fish and chip van business. What should I be looking at making from a normal portion of fish and chips?Is 50% mark up way off limits? Having trouble trying to sort pricing out.

Working 5 full days a week on a good pitch could I really be taking £500 home each week in my hand?

Any help would be great

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May 08, 2014
prices too high
by: Anonymous

Bought fish and chips from mobile van in Greylees
£6 was way too much for quite a small piece of fish and small chips

Nov 12, 2010
Fish and Chip Catering Business
by: David

Hi Bob,

This kind of mark up is very possible; you really need to buy your products - fish, chips and oil as cheaply as possible. And I don?t mean buy the cheapest food, buy the best quality supplies at the best price.

If you offer good tasting, good quality food at a fair price (with good service) £500 a week on a good pitch is very achievable. Just make sure you change the cooking oil frequently or the food starts to taste and smell of old oil.

If you're not sure on price, take a look at the competitors in your local area and see what they are charging, and what else they offer. This will give you a good idea of what people are paying.

Even buy a portion of fish and chips to taste the quality of the food, if it's really good try and find out where they buy their supplies from.

There is always something positive that you can learn from your competitors.

Best of luck Bob!

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