Where Do You Park Your Catering Tailer in London?

by Kim
(Central London)

I live (and want to trade) in central London - where do I park my (single axle) catering trailer? I plan to transport it using Zipvan, and don't have off street parking at the moment.

A van sized space in a central London carpark is £1000+ a month - absurd!

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Parking NEW
by: Liam

I have a space in nw2 7hh , if you are interested.

Space For Catering Trailer in London
by: David

Hi Kim,

This won’t be easy, but trying looking on Gumtree and other community based websites for space to rent in the London area. Also look through the local papers and a ring around companies that supply lock ups and private garages.

You may also want to approach a local business that has some off street parking that you may be able to use. You really need to get creative and see what’s about. If you can’t find anything in the immediate area try searching a few miles out.

I had to do this when faced with a similar problem and was living in a flat some years back. I parked the trailer somewhere else and had to drive each morning to pick up the trailer and stock. It was a bit of a pain, but still doable.

Best of luck

p.s Get my free guide on Starting a Mobile Catering Business Guide

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